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Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas

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Food and Wellness

Lectures related to the Food, Cooking, and Human Health.

  • Clinician and laboratory researcher Richard McNally challenges the ready acceptance of a notion he says goes beyond common sense, and contends that traumatic experiences are indeed unforgettable and the evidence for repressed memories is surprisingly weak. Are horrific experiences indelibly fixed in a victim's memory? Or does the mind protect itself by banishing traumatic memories from consciousness? How victims remember trauma is the most controversial issue in psychology today, spilling out of consulting rooms and laboratories to capture headlines, rupture families, provoke legislative change, and influence criminal trials and civil suits. This lecture is presented in collaboration with Boston Theatre Works to coincide with the world premiere of *Conspiracy of Memory*, a timely new drama by local playwright Steven Bogart that explores issues of aging, forgiveness, acceptance, and redemption.
    Ford Hall Forum
  • Barbara Haber, author and curator of books at Harvard University's Schlesinger Library, looks at food reformist movements, including the 1889 New England Kitchen movement, during her discussion of New England culinary history.
    Revolutionary Spaces
  • Lidia Bastianich, host of the *Lidia's Italy* television series and best-selling author discusses her latest cookbook, *Lidia Cooks from the Heart of Italy*.
    GBH Forum Network
  • AUDIO ONLY: Michael Pollan talks with Bethanne Patrick about his book, *In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto*. Image: [Mercedes/Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/lawrencefarmersmarket/2529145266)
    WETA Book Studio
  • Jody Adams, award-winning chef/owner of Rialto restaurant, and Donald Wiest, President of Boston Public Market, join moderator Annie B. Copps, senior food editor for Yankee Magazine, to screen the documentary film "Food, Inc." and explore how the food industry shapes our economy, our health, and our lives.
    Ford Hall Forum
  • A Cambridge, MA cheese expert explores what is going on in our brains and palates as we decide to interpret cheese as delicious. Considered one of the most subtle and flavorful of all foods, cheese has elements that we would normally avoid eating. Why is it that we are drawn to savor carefully rotted milk?
    Cambridge Science Festival
  • Journalist and food writer Kim Severson discusses her new memoir,* Spoon Fed: How Eight Cooks Saved My Life*. Somewhere between the lessons her mother taught her as a child and the ones she is now trying to teach her own daughter, Kim Severson stumbled. She lost sight of what mattered, of who she was and who she wanted to be, and of how she wanted to live her life. It took a series of women cooks to reteach her the life lessons she forgot--and some she had never learned in the first place. Some as small as a spoonful, and others so big they saved her life, the best lessons she found were delivered in the kitchen. *Spoon Fed* weaves together the stories of eight important cooks with the lessons they taught her--lessons that seemed to come right when she needed them most. We follow Kim's journey from an awkward adolescent to an adult who channeled her passions into failing relationships, alcohol, and professional ambition, almost losing herself in the process. Finally as Severson finds sobriety and starts a family of her own, we see her mature into a strong, successful woman, as we learn alongside her.
    Harvard Book Store
  • Chris Kimball and the cast of America's Test Kitchen discuss healthy and delicious ways to feed your family, and their new book, *The Americas Test Kitchen Healthy Family Cookbook*. *The Healthy Family Cookbook* is an all-purpose cookbook that delivers more than 800 foolproof recipes for healthier everyday cooking--including breakfast dishes, kid-friendly favorites, meat and pasta entres, vegetarian dishes, healthy makeovers of family classics, desserts, and more. Each recipe also includes calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and sodium counts. *The America's Test Kitchen Healthy Family Cookbook* takes a good, hard look at eating healthfully--incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into recipes on a daily basis, and reducing calories from fat whenever possible while still maximizing taste. But unlike other "healthy recipe" cookbooks that simply substitute brown rice for white, or fat-free mayonnaise for regular, every one of our recipes have been specifically developed for the ingredients used, to maximize both taste and health.
    Harvard Book Store
  • Celebrity foodies Joanne Chang and Corby Kummer, along with national food-sustainability expert Helene York, explore the relationship between our love affair with food and our desire to protect the planet.
    Museum of Science, Boston
  • Joseph Dabney discusses his new book, *The Food, Folklore and Art of Lowcountry Cooking.* The book's subtitle is: A Celebration of the Foods, History, and Romance Handed Down from England, Africa, the Caribbean, France, Germany and Scotland. Dabney takes readers on a prideful tour of Charleston, Beaufort, and Savannah and offers authentic regional voices, old-time photographs, and fascinating sidebars.
    Margaret Mitchell House & Museum