Parenting is full of obstacles that can be hard to navigate—even without a toddler yelling at your face. There’s no instruction manual, which means discerning fact from fiction and reasonable from ridiculous can be maddening. Dr. Alok Patel and comedian Bethany Van Delft, as they dive into the topics nearly all parents face—from pregnancy to poop, fevers to tantrums, and preschool to puberty.
Episode 32, Season 1
New Parents: Expectations vs. RealityIt may not be easy, but with a little parental-logic, you can take on the challenge!8:12 -
Episode 27, Season 1
How Much Sleep Does My Kid Need?Sleep can have a profound effect on children's growth and development.6:26 -
Episode 30, Season 1
Teens and Mental HealthAlok and Bethany explain why teens’ mental health care is so important.5:53 -
Episode 29, Season 1
Kids with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities61 million adult Americans live with some sort of disability.7:48 -
Episode 28, Season 1
Hormones, Body Odor, and Acne, Oh My! Puberty 101This time, we're breaking down the science behind the body’s big shift.7:26 -
Episode 26, Season 1
Understanding Food AllergensHow do you safely expose your child to common food allergens?4:28 -
Episode 25, Season 1
Vaccinations: Why do Kids Get So Many at One Doctor's Visit?Sticking to the immunization schedule is actually really important—here’s why.5:50 -
Episode 24, Season 1
Tantrums: Why They Happen and How to Soothe Your KidWhy children “break down” and have tantrums—and what you should do to help them through it5:02 -
Episode 23, Season 1
The Biology of PubertyPuberty is a wonderful, fun, uncomplicated, & totally non-awkward time (said no one ever).7:12 -
Episode 22, Season 1
Making Milk—and Why You Shouldn't Pump and DumpBy the time a baby arrives, the mammary glands are ready to produce and deliver milk.5:35 -
Episode 21, Season 1
What's Up With Your Kid's Poop? We're Here to AnswerYour child’s poop is a glorious gift that gives you a window into their bodies.4:37 -
Episode 20, Season 1
How to (Safely!) Put Your Infant to BedHow can you create the best environment in which to put your newborn down to sleep?6:19 -
Episode 19, Season 1
Why Does my Newborn’s Poop Look Like That?Poop is a window into the body.6:16 -
Episode 18, Season 1
Three Doctor-Approved Sleep Training Methods ExplainedSleep is essential to children's growth and development.5:26 -
Episode 17, Season 1
Is My Kid Behind? Real Talk About MilestonesHearing that “your child should be doing X by Y age” can make you worry.6:30 -
Episode 16, Season 1
Understanding Allergies, Asthma, and EczemaEczema, allergic asthma, and allergic rhinitis are three hyper-allergic conditions.5:05 -
Episode 15, Season 1
Managing Separation AnxietyIf your at-the-door goodbyes aren’t getting easier, Parentalogic is here to help.7:56 -
Episode 14, Season 1
What are Allergies?Food, drug, or seasonal allergies. Discover the science behind why they form.5:09 -
Episode 13, Season 1
Kids' Nightmares & Sleep Terrors: When to WorryHow can you acknowledge that your child has fear and help them get through it?7:26 -
Episode 12, Season 1
Help! My Kid is Teething and Miserable. What do I do?Growing them is no walk in the park.9:27 -
Episode 11, Season 1
6 Parenting Tips for COVID TimesIt's been an exceptionally challenging time for all of us—perhaps especially for parents.7:40 -
Episode 10, Season 1
Vaccines: What’s Inside Them and Are They Safe?What’s inside them and are they safe?5:56 -
Episode 9, Season 1
Vaccine Ingredient Misconceptions, DebunkedEach ingredient has an important role in making vaccines sterile, safe, and effective.6:16 -
Episode 8, Season 1
Placenta: The Incredible Organ You Make During PregnancyWhat is the placenta exactly, how does it form… and should you eat it?6:26 -
Episode 6, Season 1
How COVID-19 Affects KidsHow COVID-19 affects kids and what schools and parents can do to keep them safe.7:32 -
Episode 5, Season 1
Covid-19: Does Your Kid Really Need a Mask?How can you help your child dress for success in a face covering?10:47 -
Episode 4, Season 1
The Science of Breastmilk and FormulaBreastmilk! What’s in it? And how do different formulas on the market compare?5:35 -
Episode 3, Season 1
When to Worry (and not Worry) About Your Child's FeverYour child’s temperature is rising. They have a shiver. Is this fever worth worrying over?6:32 -
Episode 2, Season 1
What Should Your Kids' Poop Look Like?What is it? Why is it (usually) brown? And what makes a poop healthy or unhealthy?6:25 -
Episode 1, Season 1
Why Toddlers Throw TantrumsDr. Alok Patel and Bethany Van Delft break down the breakdown.5:16