Two hours with our pals at Nonnatus? It must be Christmas!

Yes, that’s right, this year’s special is extra long, which I fear means that we are in for an extra intense viewing experience. Either way, we’re starting things off with everyone working on their holiday baked goods. You see, Vi is holding a massive minced pie bake off. Now, would it make sense for her to run this in the style of the Great British Baking Show? Obviously not, but I still want it, ok? While I give up my dream of seeing Fred’s Paul Hollywood impression, we also find out that Reggie is coming home for Christmas, and he’s bringing Christmas Roses as a present for Vi.
Later, at the antenatal clinic (which is doubling as the site of the pie competition), Sister Julienne checks in on Rosalind, who is apparently recovering from a serious strain of the flu. Joyce, who got sick too, is also fully healthy, but many of the staff at St. Cuthberts are down for the count. And speaking of the hospital, wee Teddy Turner happens to be a patient there at the moment, but only because he’s recovering from having his adenoids out. Rosalind, in what I sure hope isn’t foreshadowing, points out that it would be really bad if Teddy caught the flu while in hospital, but everyone walks that comment off.

What I DO like? Fred, dressed as Santa, visiting the children’s ward at the hospital to deliver toys (and immediately getting clocked by Teddy). Thankfully, none of the other children notice, but it’s still funny for ME. The first kiddo Fred greets is a little girl named Karen, who says she doesn’t mind what present she gets as long as it’s wrapped up with a red bow. Teddy, hearing this, says he intends to ask for a guinea pig, which results in a predictably horrified reaction from Shelagh.
Meanwhile, across town, Karen’s family is loudly getting evicted by creditors and having all of their things repossessed. It’s horrible; they’re even taking the kid’s toys. The family’s neighbors support them as best they can, but nobody can do what’s really needed and help them get housing. Also, yes, because this is Call the Midwife after all, Karen’s mom is extremely pregnant while this is all happening. They trudge across town, towing their remaining items in a pram, and finally land at a rat-infested flat.
In way less depressing news, on their way to Nonnatus house after school, Angela and May discover something exciting: a Fun Fair has come to Poplar for the holidays! A kindly lady who runs the fair tells them it’ll open tomorrow, and hands over leaflets. Once the kiddos skip away, she and her husband talk about how cute the kids are (correct) and their excitement for their own future kiddo — this is the holiday special, after all, and we needed another expecting mum to round things out!
Back at the mince pie competition, Shelagh wins first prize in absentia. Sister Veronica claps politely, but you can practically see her think “Nepotism! Cheating!” while she does it, becuase Dr. Turner was one of the judges. Two ladies from the community win runner up, and Sister Veronica? She’s SEETHING. Back at Nonantus, she tries to do the thing where you say the baked good you worked on for ages isn’t that good in hopes your friends will give you a compliment. This… sort of backfires.
Sister Monica Joan: Don’t look at me to talk trash about your hard work.
Sister Veronica: Oh?
Sister Monica Joan: These are fine!
Sister Veronica: Oh. 🙁
Sister Julienne interrupts this convo to chat with Joyce. Apparently, St. Cuthberts has been so stricken by the flu that they now need to borrow a Nonnatus midwife for a couple of weeks.
Joyce: I would love to, but what about the whole fake name/fleeing my crummy husband who then followed me here and blackmailed me thing from last season?
Sister Julienne: I looked into it, and nothing about that messes with your legal status or your licenses. You’re good to go.
Joyce: Whew. Also, I’m going to divorce him.
Sister Julienne: Great — I’ll help you get a good lawyer next season. In the meantime, you’re our rep at St. C’s.
Nice! Speaking of the hospital, that little kid Karen has picked out a snowglobe as her present, and is admiring it when her mum arrives. Their chat is short lived — some of the trainee doctors arrive for rounds and reveal themselves to be the most unlikeable sort of St. Cuthberts character: dismissive, unable to speak in anything but jargon, and rude. They do, however, have good news: according to Karen’s normal doctor’s notes, she’ll be sent home tomorrow!
Over at the fun fair, the couple that we met earlier go for a romantic snowy ride in the ferris wheel and talk names. They still haven’t decided what to call their soon to be born baby.
Carnival Mom: I want to pick something fun and kinda wacky. We’re heading into the 1970s, after all!
Carnival Dad: Perhaps we should give it a normal name; it might be a boring kid?
Carnival Mom: My name was picked by a hospital cleaner because my mom couldn’t handle raising a non-white baby and gave me up. Our kid won’t be ordinary, because it’s wanted. We’ll give it a good name.
Team, it’s probably for the best they’re talking about names now, because I know a Call The Midwife early labor face when I see one, and Carnival Mom? She’s making that face right now!
Back at the hospital, Teddy Turner sneaks out of bed to go check on Karen when he hears her crying. What’s up? Well, it’s christmassy and nice at the hospital, and despite not hearing any details about her family’s new living situation, it’s clear Karen has intuited what she’ll be walking into.

Earlier at the clinic, we meet a young lady who’s developed a bad infection in her episiotomy site. Apparently, St. Cuthberts didn’t tell our pals she’d been discharged, so nobody’s been checking up on her. The poor thing is miserable, and who can blame her? Her situation isn’t funny at all, but what IS funny is watching Phyllis and Miss Higgins squabble over which of them dropped the proverbial paperwork ball. Thankfully, the friends don’t fight for long, and resolve to go through everything together until they find out what happened. Meanwhile, Nancy mans the desk at the clinic, and is therefore the person to greet a fairly charming young stranger who rocks up to the desk.
Charming: You must be Miss Higgins?
Nancy: LOL. No. Can I help you?
Charming: Well, she told me I wouldn’t be able to see the doctor before Christmas, but I figured I might as well try to talk in.
Nancy: Sure. What are you looking for? Blood draw? Something embarrassing?
Charming: HA, no. I’m a tranquilizer salesman.
Nancy: Cool. Cool cool cool. Sounds great. He’s free tomorrow at 10, and since I’ve forged Miss Higgins’ writing in the schedule, she might let you through.
Y’all, Nancy is FLUSTERED. Get it girl! Ahem. Anyway, our carnival couple has come to St. Cuthberts after a painful night for Carnival Mom, and are greeted by the soothing presence of Joyce. Joyce being the best is extra important because Carnival Mom really wanted to deliver in the much more homey birthing center back home, and isn’t thrilled about the industrial vibes at St. Cuthberts. Joyce pops out for a second and comes back to find Carnival Mom on the floor on all fours, so she quickly grabs all the gear and joins Carnival Mom down there: it’s birthin’ time. Carnival Mom soon pushes out her baby boy, and all is well.
Over at the Turner’s, Teddy’s been sent home and is doing his best to find hidden advent chocolate. Shelagh brings him spaghetti on toast, which despite sounding gross is a hot commodity in the household; Angela and May are VERY jealous with their sandwiches. Looking for something for the family to watch, Shelagh switches on the TV just in time to find out that there are apparently some escaped convicts on the run.

In similarly glum news, Karen’s also returned home, and is less than impressed with the new setup. She says the flat smells funny and her chest hurts, which probably makes sense given her condition, but is still not great.
Karen’s Mum: Look, we won’t be here forever. I lived in some weird places when I was a kid, but you know what I used to do? I’d imagine I was somewhere fancy and different.
This is very cute and also pretty sad. Anyway, they both use the power of their imagination to escape for a while. Across town, Dr. T and Phyllis check in on their episiotomy patient, who now seems to be doing a lot better. Someone who’s probably not? Her neighbor across the hall, Gertie. As Dr. T leaves, he notices a lot of flies buzzing under Gertie’s door, and upon finding out that she’s an elderly lady living alone, he fears the worst. Those fears are sadly confirmed when the landlord comes to unlock the door. The flies are actually from some food left out on the table, but Gertie has been dead a few days, almost certainly from the flu. Unfortunately, there’s always someone our friends can’t help, no matter how hard they try. As the authorities wheel the body away, Dr. T and Phyllis wonder if they can find Gertie’s next of kin.
Meanwhile, back at St. Cuthberts, Carnival Dad is overjoyed to see his baby, and invites Joyce to bring all her friends to the fun fair. And at Nonnatus house, Trixie’s brother Geoffrey has arrived with some fabulous costumes. He’s been house sitting for Trixie while she’s in New York, and unfortunately the hot water is out at her place. Naturally, Sister Julienne insists he come stay with them (thank goodness, I love Geoffrey).
At Karen’s place, her dad has returned home with an unwanted guest: the flu. He’s sick in bed, but insists that his wife save their money for the new baby instead of getting aspirin for him. Karen’s mum tucks her daughters into bed, suggesting that Karen take her younger sister to a community carol singing event the next day. I personally love this idea, if only because it will get the kids out of the same room as their flu-ridden dad.
Across town, Phyllis and Rosalind have gone back to Gertie’s flat to find her dentures at the behest of the undertaker. While there, Phyllis muses that this woman seemed like a respectable, neat person. She just can’t stand leaving this poor lady’s underwear soaking in the sink, so she’s going to bring them home to wash for the funeral.
Rosalind: Phyllis, what even is a pauper’s funeral?
Phyllis: It’s not that it’s undignified or anything, it’s just very spare. It’s sad when there aren’t any flowers or mourners, you know? It makes you wonder what a life means when someone dies alone like that.
Heavy! Need cheering up? The Turner crew is off at the fun fair, minus Tim, of course. Speaking of whom, been wondering where the oldest Turner kid has been? Working! Our man will also be on the wards christmas morning, so he’ll have to open his presents late (so late that he isn’t actually in this year’s holiday special). This bums out his mum (and me, let’s be real), but it’s a good step forward for his career.
At Nonnatus, Rosalind accidentally interrupts Sister Monica Joan during the great silence because she’s come to the chapel to pray. Rosalind is still going through a bit of a crisis of faith, it seems, but Sister Monica Joan suggests that a) it’s the thought that counts when it comes to praying and b) Rosalind should go rest and leave the prayer to Sister Monica Joan. It seems that Rosalind won’t be thinking about Gertie alone though; later that night, someone knocks on Gertie’s empty flat door quite persistently (and I’m sure we’ll find out who he is soon enough).
The next morning, Fred’s sweeping up broken glass outside the shop when Cyril leaves for the day. It seems that Fred’s shop, and the one across the street, were both robbed last night. Only small things, but based on the list it seems like the kind of things an escaped convict might want… but that’s just me. Before Cyril can leave, the postman hands him a letter from Lucille, which he leaves to go try and read in private when he’s interrupted by Mrs. Wallace. Mrs. Wallace being Mrs. Wallace, she immediately asks what’s in the letter, and that’s how we find out that Lucille is fine, but hasn’t said anything of substance, especially regarding what now appears to be a permanent long distance marriage.

Over at Nonnatus, things aren’t really looking up. Phyllis has just informed the crew that Rosalind will need to bring lunch with her in order to get through all the appointments today, and that Sister Veronica will need to be added to the midwifery rota; they’re just that short staffed. Hilariously, this is when Miss Higgins calls to tell them that she needs someone to come help at the clinic, which is stuffed full of flu-ridden sick people. Heading over to the clinic, Sister Veronica meets with an expecting mum named Mrs. Ali.
Sister Veronica: You seem like you’ll be a textbook case!
Me: Geez, don’t jinx it!
Mrs. Ali: My mother in law delivered my first at home. I think she thought she’d do this one too.
Sister Veronica: Well I think by the time she gets back from dropping your kids off with your sister it’ll be too late for that! Baby’s ready to join us!
Sister Veronica was right: Mrs. Ali’s baby girl is born soon after. Out in the waiting room, things are going less smoothly. The charming pharma rep has returned, and Miss Higgins? She’s in no mood.
Miss Higgins: No. Go away.
Charming: But I talked to one of the nurses? I think she was from Cork?
Miss Higgins, internally preparing to ruin Nancy: She’s not allowed to schedule, so the doctor will see you when he’s free. Stand over there until a seat frees up.
Well that’s him told! Some time later (you can tell because Charming finally found himself a chair) Nancy makes an appearance in the waiting room to do the very glamorous task of mopping up vomit. Reader, it appears that Charming has become just as awkward around Nancy as she is around him, because he tries to flirt with her by insisting that it isn’t HIS barf on the floor. For some reason that works, and she even offers to mop over his toes (which do appear to have been in the splash zone).
Miss Higgins, watching all this go down:

Remember how I implied things were going smoothly with Mrs. Ali? Apparently I spoke too soon: while she’s cuddling her baby, Sister Veronica notices a growing puddle of blood on the table. She gives Mrs. Ali an injection and starts massaging her uterus when Mrs. Ali says the worst thing a patient can say: I’m going to die. Sister Veronica insists everything will be fine and keeps working, but things are not looking great, so she goes into the waiting room to ask for Dr. T and an ambulance. Of course, this happens just as Mrs. Ali’s mother in law arrives, which freaks her right out. Nancy makes the call (which impresses Charming even more) while Dr. Turner joins Sister Veronica. It seems that the bleeding has stopped, but Mrs. Ali isn’t responsive; she’s gone into shock, possibly partly because she’s pretty dehydrated. If they can’t get enough fluids into their patient, her heart can fail, even though the bleeding has stopped. While Nancy bathes the baby, and Mrs. Ali’s mother in law prays, Dr. T and Sister Veronica keep pushing fluids, and finally are rewarded with good news: Mrs. Ali’s starting to wake up, and her blood pressure is more stable, just in time for the ambulance crew to arrive to take her to hospital.
And speaking of St. Cuthberts, Joyce pops into the nursery to find out that the Carnival Baby is nowhere to be seen! What gives? Well according to one of the other nurses, when they’re short on beds folks are allowed to leave early, so the whole Carnival family has returned home. Joyce does not find this policy comforting, and tbh, neither do I!
At Nonnatus, a coffin is approaching the house. What the heck? Phyllis shares my confusion, and apparently, here’s what happened: Sister Monica Joan has told the funeral home that they can keep Gertie’s body at Nonnatus. Phyllis is opposed on the grounds that this woman might have had her own ideas about her funeral, but Sister Monica Joan points out that Gertie might also have had her own ideas about who would wash her underwear, which Phyllis can’t really argue about.
Sister Monica Joan: She died alone. She deserves some company now.
Phyllis: I suppose it is Christmas.
And back at the surgery, Nancy finds Charming still loitering around.
Nancy: Look, I super doubt you’re going to get to talk to Dr. Turner today. There was a hemorrhage. That mop and I have been busy!
Charming: Well, you did a nice job of it. Um, do they ever let you out for good behavior?
Nancy: That would require good behavior.
Charming: Well if you ever do behave, would you want to go out with me?
Nancy, obviously wants to say yes but panicking: Uhhhh it’s super busy this time of year, so...
Charming: That’s ok! I’ll see you around.
I bet you will, new season 14 love interest!
Later that night, the younger nurses (plus Colette and Geoffrey) head to the fun fair to take advantage of Joyce’s free access from Carnival Dad. Colette and Geoffrey argue over the correct order to ride the rides, Rosalind runs off to get candy apples, and everyone is generally having a grand old time… that is until Nancy has some solo time to think back to the last fair she attended. While Joyce, Geoffrey, and Colette take to the skies, Nancy tells Rosalind that the last time she came to a fair was when Colette was really little.
Nancy: Here’s the thing: I want her to have a great life. And I want to be able to give her the things she doesn’t have. Things that WE don’t have. Seeing her up there makes me think about how lonely we are.
Ooooooh. Unfortunately for Rosalind, SHE didn’t see the flirty conversations from earlier so she doesn’t know just how close she is to some primo gossip, and doesn’t ask any questions.
Meanwhile, Phyllis and Miss Higgins are hard at work knitting up presents for Miss Higgins’ newly discovered grandson Harry.
Miss Higgins: We’re a weird family, but we’re stuck together now. And Harry’s coming for Christmas!
Phyllis: You know you’re allowed to smile about that, bud.
Miss Higgins:

Hey, remember those escaped convicts from earlier? We finally meet them! They’re holed up in an abandoned building and starting to panic. See, since one of their friends has already been captured, they have reason to believe that they’re now sitting ducks. And to top it all off, the family they’d hoped were waiting for them here in Poplar have vanished.
Con 1, ominously polishing a gun: Look, we need to disappear, and that takes cash.
Con 2: I don’t do gun stuff. Never will!
Con 1: You still got seven years, didn’t you? I just need you to be lookout, and then we can split.
Don’t love that, I’ll be honest! Anyway, the next day, everyone’s getting set up for the carol singing later. Fred tries to light a fire with wet coal (disaster), Sister Veronica and Geoffrey try to light christmas decorations outside Nonnatus (disaster 2: attack of the fuse), and Phyllis and Miss Higgins’ choir is delayed by the tardy Turner family (disaster 3: foiled by a police cordon). Soon after the Turners finally arrive, another familiar face appears: it’s Trixie! While she greets everyone, Fred manages to fix the fuse and get the lights on, but he’s now QUITE late to pick up Reggie from the train station, so he runs off.
Geoffrey, walking Trixie inside: Dang girl, you don’t travel light!
Trixie: I’m very frugal now, thank you! And since everyone is wondering I just got back from Italy via New York so things seem to be good with my marriage!
Geoffrey: Good to know, but since every silver lining needs a cloud: your heating is out. I got the nice guest room here at Nonnatus, and you got the attic.
Over at the fun fair, Carnival Mom’s having a little trouble feeding Carnival Baby, but she and Carnival Dad aren’t too worried about it: everyone’s learning a new skill, after all. Carnival Baby also has a wee twitch, but they just chalk that up to baby behavior. They’re so sweet and happy I don’t want anything to go wrong, but knowing this show, I feel like at some point soon they’re going to have to … call a midwife.

At Nonnatus, the caroling has started, now accompanied by a lovely snowfall. Fred’s gotten stuck at that same police cordon that caught the Turners earlier, so poor Reggie is just stuck waiting outside the train station in the cold. And that police cordon? Yeah, it’s because of the escaped convicts. The police tell Fred they’ve already caught one of the men, but one is still on the loose. Reggie finally gets sick of waiting for Fred and hops on a bus. Nancy and Charming flirt across the carol singing. The missing convict (Con 2, the nice one) breaks into an empty flat… yes, you guessed it: he’s trying to visit Gertie. She’s his mom.
Reggie gets off the bus, which turns out to have been heading in the wrong direction: he’s now miles away from Poplar, in the middle of nowhere, and he left his bag behind. Fred, who’s finally arrived at the station, is obviously horrified to find Reggie’s bag but no Reggie. He calls in a missing person’s report.
Back at Nonnatus, Charming approaches Nancy and just… double checks that she’s not a nun or something.
Nancy: No, and sorry I was weird when you asked me out earlier. I’d be cool about it if you wanted to try again, btw.
Charming: Oh word? Movies or fun fair?
Nancy: Fun fair!
Rosalind and Joyce:

Con 2, whose actual name is Jock, has a breakdown in his mom’s abandoned house and accidentally stabs himself in the hand before running away when the super starts banging on the door. Joyce and Rosalind help Nancy get ready for her date. And across town, Karen and her little sister return from the caroling to find both of their parents very sick in bed with the flu (and Karen’s not looking so great herself).
Back at Nonnatus, the crew has organized a search effort for Reggie, mapping out all the ways they think he could have tried to return to Poplar from the station. They split into groups and head out into the night. Rosalind, on foot runs into bleeding Jock, and being a good nurse, but also kind of foolish, follows him to try and help him out. Thankfully he’s the nice one, so he allows her to treat him without much issue… that is until she recognizes some of the items in his hideout from his mom’s house and has to tell him the sad news that his mother has died.
Joyce checks in at the fun fair and thankfully runs into Carnival Dad, so she finds out that the Carnival family is still here in town and thus should be getting daily visits from our midwife friends. Carnival Mom’s still having a hard time feeding her baby, so these daily visits can’t come soon enough.
Cyril, looking for Reggie, ends up in the same alley where Rosalind met Jock, and just like Rosalind did, follows Jock’s bloody handprint trail until he finds them both. Rosalind is still working on treating/comforting her patient.
Rosalind, to Cyril: Look, my new friend here won’t go to the hospital. Can you cut up that shirt so we can use it as a bandage
Cyril: This shirt? This shirt that basically has ESCAPED CONVICT written on the back?
Jock tries to run past Cyril, but while our friend is a gentle soul, he knows how to tackle someone when he needs to, and he wrestles Jock to the wall. He struggles for a bit, but gives up pretty quickly, rather heartbreakingly telling the two that they can do whatever they want with him if they just let him open his Christmas present from his dead mother first. Rosalind and Cyril help bandage Jock’s hand and then bring him his gift: a fancy tie, like a businessman would wear.
Jock: My mom never gave up hope. Can you hold this? I don’t want to bleed on it. And you can take me in now. Ugh. If only I’d been a better criminal, maybe I’d have more to say for myself.
Rosalind: I’m sure you did your best.
Cyril: LOL
Jock: I always hoped I’d show up with a fancy fur coat for her. Take care of her, you know? But instead I kept getting sent in for burglary. My mom had lost her husband; I couldn’t give her more bad news, so I never told her I was in prison. I said I was in the merchant navy.
Across town, Trixie comforts Vi by making her tea (classic). The downside? This reminds Vi of Reggie’s usual role in the family; he really does take pride in looking out for everyone. After she’s had a good cry, Fred returns, even more worried than he was: he’s got Reggie’s bag, which has all his warm clothes. Fred had hoped Reggie might have called, but Reggie isn’t really able to use the phone without assistance. Worse, the police have decided they will start searching again in the morning, which just isn’t acceptable. Trixie, who after all is now married to a fancy rich guy and already wasn’t the kind of person to take bad news lying down, stalks off to have words with the cop. He’s still pretty ready to put her off as hysterical (or poor) until she drops her name, which, in case you forgot, now has a Lady in front of it. She ALSO lets the cop know that Reggi’s mom is Vi, or as this cop may know her, the MAYOR. This is all new and enlightening information, but as Trixie points out, it shouldn’t matter: Reggie is a vulnerable person and it’s cold out! Maybe the MEDIA would like to hear about this?
The cop: 🫡
Speaking of Reggie: it’s impossible to know WHERE he is, but on the plus side, he’s found a half open garage which may mean he can get inside in the warm.
Back in Poplar, Miss Higgins returns home to find a special delivery on her doorstep: her grandson Harry. He was so excited to see her that he came to visit early.

Rosalind and Cyril, having dropped Jock off at the police station, talk over how weird that was while Cyril walks Rosalind home.
And speaking of dynamic duos: during all of this, Nancy and Charming were having a LOVELY date. There is a KISS, y’all! And a GOOD kiss, if Nancy’s reaction is anything to go on. Unfortunately, immediately after this good kiss, Charming trips over seemingly nothing and has to be taken to hospital. On their way back from this adventure (don’t worry, he’s just got a sprain) it’s obvious that Charming is smitten, which we love.
The next morning, Rosalind is granted an extra hour of sleep due to her run in with Jock. While Phyllis hands out assignments, Sister Veronica turns on the wireless just in time to hear an announcement about Reggie. And Joyce pops in to tell Phyllis to add Carnival Mom to the rounds, which means that Sister Julienne drops in first thing, much to the Carnival Family’s relief.
Carnival Dad: He’s either crying and not eating, or sleeping nonstop and twitching.
Sister Julienne: Ok, hand him over!
Being the seasoned professional that she is, Sister Julienne immediately figures out what’s wrong: Carnival Baby is VERY jaundiced, and what they thought was just twitching may be seizures. Sister Julienne tells Carnival Dad to find a car so they can find Dr. Turner ASAP. His diagnosis? A serious case of jaundice, which can be fatal if it isn’t treated quickly. This would never have happened if the hospital hadn’t discharged the Carnival Family so early! They get Carnival Baby into an incubator and call for an ambulance.
Meanwhile, back in the middle of nowhere, Reggie has safely weathered the night in the garage (and the roses he grew for Violet have also made it, which I’m choosing to take as a good sign). Reggie goes outside and finds a park bench to sit on, and he’s a second away from eating some food scraps someone’s left on the ground when a woman taking her kiddo for a walk stops him. Is his name Reggie, by chance?

Stranger: Oh thank goodness, I’ve been so worried since I heard about you on the radio. We’re going to get you home ok? Do you like mince pies?
Reggie, clearly starving: No, but can I please have one?
In Poplar, young Karen continues to try and care for her siblings while her parents are even sicker than before. Karen’s mum gives her some money to go buy food and candles, because theirs were apparently eaten by rats, and the flat doesn’t have electricity. Karen packs up both of her younger siblings and takes them out to do the shopping, which is challenging given that she definitely does not have enough cash to get everything they need. Looking for candles to bring home, Karen brings her siblings to the church to take some (resourceful!). Unfortunately (or, let’s be real, probably fortunately in the long run) Shelagh is running choir practice at the time, and happens to catch her in the act.
At the surgery, Miss Higgins tells Dr. Turner she’ll be away at lunchtime; she has to go feed Harry.
Miss Higgins: Also, general note: he’ll be calling me Auntie.
Dr. Turner: Love it. Is that coffee?
Miss Higgins: No, it’s honey and lemon with hot water, because I’m apparently the only one around here who noticed that YOU look like you’re coming down with something.
She claps a hand on his forehead and is immediately proven correct: Dr. T has a fever, and Miss Higgins promptly sends him home, whilst she heads home to her own flat to feed Harry lunch. And Reggie finally arrives safe and sound in Poplar, where he’s immediately mobbed with hugs by the entire Nonnatus family.
In less good news, at the hospital, Sister Julienne attempts to comfort the Carnival Parents after an intense run in with a St. Cuthberts pediatrician. They’re a total wreck, which isn’t surprising because their boy’s situation is unfortunately quite serious. And speaking of serious, across town, Shelagh has arrived at Karen’s family flat and is assessing Karen’s father. Reader, he is VERY sick, and possibly has pneumonia. Shelagh calls an ambulance for him, and moves on to Karen’s mom.
At the jail, Cyril has used his status as a minister to finagle a visit with Jock. He explains that the funeral will take place soon. Arrangements have been made by the council.
Jock: I wish I could help make sure she had a good funeral, but I can’t.
Cyril: A religious ceremony will be free; I’ll take care of that.
Jock: Do you think they’d let me out to see her before they take me back to prison? For Christmas?
Cyril is pretty amazing, but this ask might be too big even for him.
Over at Nonnatus, Sister Veronica and Geoffrey take over the kitchen to complete a massive amount of canning the order will be giving as gifts (and enjoy a little “medicinal” kitchen brandy, naturally).
Sister Veronica: Dude, I’m so glad you’re here. You’re the best.
Me: Mood. #TeamGeoffrey!
Geoffrey: You know, I always feel genuinely happy here. Maybe it’s because I’m with all my spinster brethren, or maybe it’s just that I feel at home.
Sister Veronica: Oh god. We are all spinsters. Bummer.
At the Turners, Dr. T is attempting to sneak off to work when he’s caught by Shelagh.
Dr. Turner: I feel fine! I have a lot of cases. But we’re missing the car keys so I’ll have to figure out some other way to get there.
Shelagh: Fine, and I’ll keep looking. But mail this for the kids while you’re out — they’ve been working on it for ages, it’s their contribution to the scrap metal drive.
And that, reader, is how Dr. Turner ends up taking a bicycle to work, which is just as funny as you think. His first task is to check on Reggie, who appears to be totally unharmed by his adventure.
Meanwhile, Shelagh is looking after Karen’s mum, who’s trying to insist that she needs to go check on her husband in hospital. Shelagh puts her foot down — the flu needs to be handled first — and explains that she’s going to get the whole family into their system so they have a doctor. Karen’s mum agrees, and then drops the update we’ve all been waiting for: she thinks she might be in labor. Shelagh calls the house for backup, and gets Trixie on the line. Despite not technically working at Nonnatus right now, she heads straight over.
Charming struggles up the steps at Nonnatus with a bouquet of flowers for Nancy. Adorable! But guess who answers the door? Spoiler alert: it’s Colette. Who Charming knows nothing about.
Charming: Oh hello small child! Can I please speak to Nancy
Colette: Are those flowers because you’re a happy patient?
Charming: Uh. Kind of?
Colette: She’s about to head back to work for the afternoon, but I’ll get her. Mooooom!

Nancy, arriving at the door:

Nancy, seeing his face, panics and runs off. Charming, for his part, seems to have taken this in stride and tries to get her to have a coffee with him, presumably so they can talk this over, but she isn’t having it and brushes him off. Not to be deterred, Charming gets a cab to catch up to Nancy and sticks his head out the window to carry on trying to reason with her.
Charming: Look, can we please talk?
Nancy: I’m busy!
Charming: Well I’m going to fall in love with you, just FYI.
Nancy: Thanks for the warning!
Charming: Well you’re welcome! I thought it might change your mind about the coffee!
Nancy: Ugh fine, tell the car to pull over!
Awwww. Less cute and more ominous? Dr. Turner, struggling along on the bicycle, is confronted by all three of his younger children. What’s up? Well, that parcel he mailed earlier? It has Teddy’s favorite toy car inside… and Dr. Turner’s very real car keys. Children are a blessing!! And these children have been assigned the task of sitting near the post box to retrieve their package, which seems boring, but fair.
Back at Nonnatus, everyone gathers for Gertie’s funeral, including Jock. Just how Cyril made this happen I will never know, but I’m glad it worked out. Everyone welcomes Jock into the house, and Rosalind hands over his Christmas tie so he can wear it for the service. Phyllis even helps him tie it. The service is lovely and dignified, just what Gertie deserves, and a redeeming experience for Jock as well.
Unfortunately, just after the service, Sister Julienne has to go meet with the board of health. As always, these people are nasty pieces of work. Sister Julienne explains that the order now owns the deed to the house, and that it’s come at the end of a lovely partnership with a generous benefactor.
Board of Health Jerk: I bet he’s happy to be done with you. The building is under a compulsory purchase order.
Sister Julienne: Yeah, which hasn’t been acted upon. And our services are more essential than ever.
Board of Health Jerk: So you came for an increase in fees?
Sister Julienne: I will, when we do our regular review in June. For now I just need money to help fix the rot and the roof. It’s barely fit for us to live in, let alone for medical work.
Board of Health Jerk: But it’s primarily a church, correct?
Sister Julienne: Sure, that has been true since the 1800s.
Board of Health Jerk: And that makes your presence even more inappropriate! It’s almost 1970! Women don’t want nuns teaching them sex ed anymore, and they don’t want to ask you for abortions.
Sister Julienne: We don’t provide abortions?
Board of Health Jerk: You wouldn’t be providing ANYTHING if I had my way. You can ask for as much money as you want when your review happens, but we’ll be more interested in other topics.
Yikes! Just to prove how essential the Nonnatus crew is, at Karen’s family’s flat, Trixie and Shelagh help Karen’s mum with her delivery. Despite being sick, Karen’s mum soon delivers a healthy baby boy — the first son in the family! Karen’s mum is overjoyed and feels blessed, but Trixie, looking around the squalid one room flat, can’t help but think how hard things are for this family. After the birth, while Trixie gives the baby a bath and Shelagh looks after Karen’s mum, everyone sings Christmas songs. Now that they’re in the system, the family can apply for new housing after the holiday. Unfortunately, there’s no reason to assume they’ll get a new place quickly. Poverty is still a huge problem in Poplar.
Nancy and Charming do indeed get that coffee, and Nancy comes clean. She was able to make jokes about her childhood in the orphanage, but having a baby at 16 isn’t funny at all, so she just didn’t say anything.
Charming: Were you worried about what I’d think?
Nancy: Yeah, I figured I’d scare you off.
Charming: Look, the only thing to be worried about would be if I could only talk about fun stuff. I want this to be real.
Nancy: Do you think this is happening kind of fast?
Charming: Yeah, but I think it’s supposed to.
Nancy: I kind of do too.
Charming: Introduce me to your daughter, and let me take you both out to the fun fair, or the movies.
Nancy: Movies, definitely: less chance of you spraining something.
This is cute! And because it’s the holiday special I’m taking off my cynical hat for a bit. But I’ll be real: Charming is going to have to keep impressing me when he turns back up next season, because my whole Nonnatus crew deserves nothing less!
At the surgery, the saddest children in the land deliver the accidentally stolen keys to their stony faced father. Reader, I won’t lie: Dr. Turner does a pretty good job pretending to be mad at his kids for a second there, but I don’t think he really had anyone fooled. Now that the keys have been recovered, he almost immediately starts laughing, and all is well in the Turner house.
Meanwhile, Trixie attends an AA meeting and reveals that while there are many things she certainly does not miss about her job, there are still beautiful parts of midwifery that she can’t stop wanting. She sees this job as her calling, and doesn’t want to give it up.
Back at Nonnatus, Cyril tells Rosalind that while Jock had to be taken right back to prison, Cyril went to the cemetery to note where Gertie’s grave is located, so her son can come put flowers on it when he gets out.
Rosalind: You know, WE can go put flowers there in the meantime. There’s always something we can do to make things a little better, you know?
Speaking of ways to make things better: later, many of our friends have gathered for a mission of Christmas cheer. Reggie’s time being missing taught him how horrible it is to go hungry, and he’s gathered everyone to help feed their hungry Poplar neighbors. Geoffrey has taken on the role of organizing chef, and the plan is pretty simple in the end: they’ll take over everyone’s kitchen in the group to make a full Christmas dinner which will be open to all… including Trixie. Her plan to fly back to NYC for the holiday is scuppered by bad weather. Everyone (including me) is pretty happy to have the extra Trixie time, even more so because she reveals that she’ll need to stay in New York for at least another year. The good news: she has no intention of quitting her job long term.
Sister Julienne makes a visit to Carnival Mum, who’s healing up well, but still obviously very worried about her son. His prognosis is still uncertain, but, having been abandoned as a baby, Carnival Mum is adamant that she’ll love her baby no matter what. Across town, the Turners check in on Karen’s whole family. Dr. Turner wants to refer Karen for a new kind of surgery which may be more successful than her last one. So while things aren’t perfect, everyone is doing MUCH better than they were at the start of this episode.
Finally, it’s Christmas. The kids unwrap their gifts, and then everyone makes their way to Nonnatus house with massive amounts of food to share. Sister Julienne even brings a big tray to the hospital for the Carnival Family and Joyce. A happy, bustling, joyful way to end this year’s special indeed! But what will happen to our friends as they face down yet another conflict with the board of health? We’ll just have to wait for the next season to find out. In the meantime, happy holidays, friends!