Last week we learned that evil drug queenpin BiBi Franken, fresh off of blowing up her own son for daring to defy her, was waiting to meet Piet in whatever location would mess with him the most. So it’s not SUPER surprising that this week we’re heading right over to the crew’s beloved bar, where BiBi is creepily forcing Cliff to look at pictures of her kids on her phone. Normal mom stuff, except that in this case she’s presumably murdered the kid in question so… creepy. Anyway, Piet and Hassell roll up and join the party.

BiBi: Look, I like to be in control, so I’m not happy about what’s been going on. I want to find out who did this.
Hassell: LMAO, seriously? We all know you killed Daan.
BiBi: If you had kids, you’d know how upset I am. And I’m VERY upset.
Piet: Speaking of kids… where’s Eddie?

Oh, you know, still tied up in the back of a van. Not ideal! Back at the bar, BiBi insists that she didn’t hire Gregor’s murderer, who she deems too incompetent to trust, and declines the offer to talk about Sophie. She keeps telling the goth besties that she didn’t set up the hits on Gregor or Daan, but nobody’s buying it, even when she tells them that she might have a friend/enemy/frenemy out there who thought they were doing her a solid with said murders and/or wanted to frame her. BiBi, it must be said, leads an interesting life. She suggests that the goth besties should team up with her, which they obviously decline.

BiBi: I’m choosing to ignore that. Stop by any time to update me!
Lena, barging in: Everything ok? Someone told me to come down here.
BiBi: So cute, Piet, you finally found love! Sorry to waste your time, Lena, that was us.

Look, BiBi’s a piece of work, but you cannot deny she’s got style! Anyway, it turns out to be a good thing that Lena came down because she can do the whole doctor thing with Cliff, who’s been roughed up pretty bad. Not so bad, however, that he can’t point out that, in giving BiBi a cup of coffee, he’s managed to get her fingerprints for them. Nice one, Cliff! Reenergized, the goth besties return to the station to keep questioning Gregor’s killer, this time about Sophie. He tells them he doesn’t know who she is, and when they ask about his accomplices, he implicates BiBi. Him turning on her at this juncture is kinda suspicious… was BiBi maybe telling the truth?

Post interview, the team finds out the name of Sophie’s dad, but before they can go interview him, we get my fave part of the episode: Hendrik Time. My man’s wearing a shirt with giant cranes all over it, and he’s figured out that the bomb was probably detonated by a smartphone, which means that the bomber would have had to be VERY close to the scene. We also learn that the techs haven’t found any bugs in the safehouses or vehicles, prompting Piet to decide that this means Kalie must be the bomber. Kalie isn’t impressed, and pulls him into an empty conference room to have it out.

Kalie: Why are you being such a jerk? Let me help!
Piet: I think you could be the killer, so, no.
Kalie: Are you kidding? What would my motive be?
Piet: I’ve seen your temper… and your complete lack of empathy.
Kalie: Bro, have you looked in the mirror?
Piet: I have sources!
Kalie: Your dead dog does not count!
Me: Ah, that explains a lot.
Kalie: It’s not my fault he died and it’s not my fault he didn’t like me!
Piet: Mandy was a SHE!

Look, Piet is a jerk most of the time, but I also don’t trust people who don’t like my dog, so I kind of have to side with to him on this one. Anyway, Kalie tells Piet that Gregor was trying to do the right thing and make amends, and she wanted to protect him. She failed, and she WILL be involved. She also drops a rough truthbomb on Piet: his lack of trust might make him a good detective, but it also makes him a lousy partner and a weird person to be around.

Downstairs, Hendrik has another bad coughing fit, which I again find very upsetting. Thankfully he’s not TOTALLY blasé about this, and runs a bunch of tests on himself. Sir, you live in a country with universal healthcare, just go to the doctor! I feel even more strongly about this after seeing Hendrik’s reaction to the results which is: shock, horror, and rage, followed by a body cooler chilled beer.

Outside, walking home, Hassell and Piet have a heart to heart about Hassell’s potential future kids. See, in that earlier conversation with BiBi, Hassell kind of implied that she wasn’t totally opposed to children, which is news to her best pal Piet. The obvious next question (does Piet want kids?) is met with the kind of non-answer we all expect from this clown: “don’t be ridiculous.” To be fair, he just learned to love again last season (barely), and he keeps semi-adopting his grown adult coworkers, so he’s probably just fine where he is.

Next stop? Bothering the dead whistleblowers’ lawyer Anton at a bar to try and get him to share all of his files. Despite the fact that both of his clients are now dead, he refuses: lawyer-client privilege is still a thing. Piet tries to convince him with a weirdly solid Jimmy Stewart impression, but to no avail. Or, perhaps, some avail:

Anton: You know what sucks? I work constantly. I’m alone. I’m a joke. And for what? I can’t even pay my bills. I can’t even afford good security at my office! Anyone could just break in and see all the files you guys wanted! Anyway, back to wallowing!

Naturally, the goth besties head right over to break in, only to find that Dahlman beat them to the punch and is already inside sifting through files. Lucky for them, they find interesting info almost immediately: the business Sophie had worked at was laundering money. But she didn’t sign off on the faked accounting paperwork. That honor went to BiBi’s vegan cafe-owning son Xavi.

The next day, while Piet prepares to go talk to Xavi, his and Lena’s “peaceful” morning at home is interrupted by Kalie, who lets herself in with coffee (and given the BiBi situation, gets a gun pulled on her in response). Piet tries to act like they’re just coworkers, but Kalie isn’t into that, and tells Lena that she knows where the spare key is because she and Piet used to date. Lena, who is way cooler than Piet deserves, is weirdly fine with this, and the cops get down to business: Kalie thinks she found the bomber, a man named Frans who was on the list for access to the compound the day of the bombing despite having no employment record there. She then leaves with a final peace offering: an apology for what happened with Mandy the dog. Once she’s gone, Piet explains the backstory to Lena (and to us): Mandy never liked Kalie, and unfortunately Kalie was alone with Mandy when she died. He feels bad that the last thing his sick dog saw was someone she didn’t like. Fair enough!

Next stop? Xavi’s place, where the goth besties harass him about the money laundering and imply he killed both whistleblowers (and Sophie before them). Xavi tells them to speak to his lawyer, and denies any knowledge of the possible bomber too, just for good measure. Meanwhile, at Cliff’s, Hendrik walks in looking wretched and announces he’s quitting drinking. He also tells Cliff what’s wrong with him, health-wise, but does it off screen so we still don’t know (and that’s on bartender-client privilege). Cliff, who again is the best, reminds Hendrik that he’s mainly a doctor for dead people, and should probably get a second opinion. He also suggests that Hendrik tell Piet what’s happening, but Hendrik, who’s just as stubborn as everyone else on this show, declines on both counts.

At the station, the goth besties take another run at Gregor’s killer. Despite the fact that they’re totally making this up as they go along, they finally goad the man into all but admitting that he had been romantically involved with Sophie. And there’s another break: Hendrik arrives to tell them that thanks to Cliff’s amateur sleuthing, they’ve been able to confirm that BiBi’s fingerprints were all over BOTH safe houses. We also find out that Frans the bomber? That’s not his real name: he can make fake IDs. Finally, we learn that Daan’s security man will be released from the hospital later on today. This for some reason triggers something in Piet’s memory, who asks for a recording of the explosion. A recording that very clearly shows Daan’s security man flinching BEFORE the bomb goes off.

Remember how Eddie’s been tied up in a van? Our pal has managed to free his hands, and waits on the floor for his captor (who, if I’m not mistaken, is Frans the bomber) to come check on him. While Frans the bomber is occupied, Eddie bonks him in the head with the van door and then gains control. Good job, Eddie!

Meanwhile, Hassell heads to BiBi’s (gorgeous) home, where she finds BiBi and Xavi eating olives and acting unbothered, even after Hassell again suggests that they’re murderers. Hassell offers BiBi a deal: the chance to meet her son’s murderer in exchange for using BiBi as bait. She’ll have to ditch her security, of course, which Xavi correctly points out is a bonkers idea, but BiBi is, as we’ve discussed, a murderous queenpin, so she’s all in.

While Hassell makes the deal, Hendrik heads to the safehouses, where he finds that the fingerprints might be part of a frame up: all of the spots with BiBi’s prints are small items that could have been stolen and then planted to make her look guilty. He calls Piet and explains as much, and then tries to take the blame for this mistake… which is silly, since he figured out what happened within 5 minutes of tv time. That’s weird, but Piet doesn’t have time to process it, because just then Eddie calls him on his kidnapper’s phone. Piet instructs Eddie to find out who Frans the bomber really is, whatever it takes. This is surprisingly easy, and Eddie quickly discovers that “Frans” was Sophie’s half brother, and that he planned the bombing with his/Sophie’s dad.

Everything is now in place, so the goth besties head over to BiBi’s house. They don’t have to wait long: Daan’s security man arrives soon after. He couldn’t resist the opportunity to confront BiBi for the death of his daughter, who was, of course, Sophie. He’s got a gun, and is clearly thinking of killing BiBi, but doesn’t have a chance: Hassell and Piet disarm him and hold him at gunpoint. Xavi runs out of the room to grab his own gun, but it’s already been taken… by Kalie! She brings Xavi in at gunpoint, and makes Hassell and Piet drop their weapons. Her plan? Use her hostage to get BiBi to finally explain what happened with Sophie. It works. Sophie found out about the money laundering, and was going to go to the police. BiBi made Daan kill Sophie to prove he was ready to take over the business. But in the end, BiBi had gone back on her word, and intended to give the business to Xavi instead. Sophie died for nothing. Her dad yells to Kalie to kill Xavi, but she doesn’t. Instead, she hands her gun over to Piet and pulls another one out of her jacket. She’s not actually a baddie, she was just pretending to get the confession! And with that, they can arrest BiBi for murder, which they promptly do. All murders solved, all that’s left is for Piet to mend fences with Kalie, and for everyone to reunite with Eddie.

Will Kalie stick around to help on future cases? Will Hendrik ever tell us what’s wrong? Is BiBi actually neutralized? Only one way to find out: don’t miss next week’s episode!