Well friends, it’s officially summer in 1969 Poplar, which means that this episode, we’re getting heavy moon landing vibes.

Meanwhile, here on earth, the trainee midwives have just handed in their materials for the mid-course reviews, and Phyllis explains to them that they’ll be having individual conversations about any performance issues later. And speaking of performance issues, Fred’s worried about the guy who’s replacing him as a crossing guard while Fred heals up from last week’s tetanus nightmare.
Vi: Are you KIDDING ME? It’s not rocket science, Fred, get back inside and into your armchair before I skin you alive. Honest to God, it’s like you forgot you almost died last week!
Back at Nonnatus, Phyllis, Shelagh, and Sister Julienne discuss the trainees. The two who we never see? They’re fine. But Rosalind and Joyce are both excellent. Rosalind needs to work on her confidence, while Joyce is too quick to send folks to the hospital, which she still thinks of as superior.
Sister Julienne: Let’s give Joyce another homebirth. That way she’ll see how great our work can be!
Phyllis, not remotely messing around: Let’s give her… Prue.
Sister Julienne and Shelagh:

Phyllis, matter of fact: She’s self assured and won’t go to a hospital. You want someone for Joyce to learn from, right?
LMAO, reader, based on those facial expressions Prue is going to be a real experience for Joyce. And they aren’t wasting any time — later that day, Trixie brings Joyce with her on a home visit to meet Prue.
Prue: I didn’t think anyone was due to visit today!
Trixie: You skipped your last two appointments, pal. And at this stage, if you won’t come to us, we come to you.
Joyce: So… in your notes it says that Dr. Turner wanted you to deliver at the maternity home?
Prue: It’s because of how old I am. Good thing I’m not easily offended! I told him I’m doing this at home. That’s why I keep skipping appointments; getting ready.
Prue’s Teenage Daughter: I keep offering to help you!
Prue: No offense, but you don’t know how to clean properly and you can’t cook either.
Trixie: Look, we really do need to do some testing.
Prue: Yeah, and I can’t today! It’s not a good time!
Trixie: Fine, then you need to come to clinic on Tuesday, WITH urine.
Joyce: And we’ll check your iron levels. Have you been taking your tablets?
Prue: Duh.
Joyce, staring directly at the extremely full jar of iron tablets on the mantle behind Prue:

Shockingly unbothered, Prue grabs the jar and takes three tablets all at once: one for yesterday, one for today, and one for tomorrow. I’m beginning to see why Phyllis thought this would be a good learning opportunity for Joyce. Meanwhile, at the clinic, today’s task is to test a bunch of high school students for TB. The problem? They’re teenages, and are already starting to get into fights in the line. Sister Veronica shuts it down pretty fast, and then shouts over the hubbub (and Dr. Turner, which Tim and Nancy, who are there to assist, find hilarious) to explain that the kids will be pricked by a needle to show if their skin reacts. Those who don’t will get a vaccine. Everything goes fairly smoothly from there, and we meet two siblings named Samuel and Esther Chdozie, who I somehow feel will be showing up again soon.
Over at the allotment, Fred and Sister Monica Joan sit on a bench and chat.
Fred: Vi won’t let me do anything. I feel useless!
Sister Monica Joan: You were extremely sick, my man! You’re going to get better every day, and be able to do things again, but I’m just getting older every day. I am extremely excited that I’ll get to see a man land on the moon in my lifetime though, I’ll tell you that.
Later that night, at Nonnatus, Joyce and Rosalind study in their bedroom.
Rosalind, quizzing Joyce: You missed one step: call for assistance if needed.
Joyce: I’m completely sure I won’t need assistance.
Rosalind: God I wish that were me. I thought I was hiding my nerves but now Phyllis knows and she says I need to work on my self confidence. Maybe I’m just more confident on the inside?
Joyce sympathizes, but doesn’t have a ton of tips because she’s (rightfully) extremely confident.
The next day, at the clinic, Samuel and Esther both turn up positive for TB. Sister Veronica hands the kids a letter that explains what will happen next, but Dr. Turner wonders if they should send someone to talk to their parents, given that they’re recent immigrants to the area.
Sister Veronica: I just don’t have time — I have to talk to the public health team about testing the neighbors, and the letter is going to get there this afternoon anyway.
Nancy: I can go. I’ll fit it into district rounds.
Nancy, who you would think would be used to Poplar by now, is still surprised by the decrepitude of the neighborhood where Samuel and Esther live; admittedly, there are giant rats, which nobody likes. The kiddos’ mom welcomes Nancy into their home, and asks if her children are sick.
Nancy: Honestly? We don’t know; that’s what we need to find out.
Mrs. Chdozie: They all seem perfectly healthy.
Before they can get into it, Mr. Chdozie arrives home, and it’s immediately obvious that this is a close-knit happy family; all the kids run to hug their dad, and get hugged right back. Mr. Chdozie also insists on offering Nancy food and tea, while his wife explains what’s happening: the oldest kids need x-ray tests.
Mr. Chdozie, alarmed: But you can die from TB!
Nancy: Oh, not in this day and age. Not here. The medicine is much better.
Mr. Chdozie: *Coughs aggressively*
Nancy: Yeah, I need to see that handkerchief. And I’m going to have the doctor drop in — your kids might not be the only ones with TB.
Meanwhile, at Nonnatus, Sister Julienne arrives with a box of donated toys for the play area at the clinic. But why would someone throw out a rocket, she wonders?
Sister Monica Joan: It’s only Apollo 8, duh! Now we’ve got 11, which is much cooler. I remember when the Wright brothers invented the plane; there’s been so much progress! I’ll just take that toy rocket for safekeeping, so nobody treats it badly.
Sister Julienne, realizing MJ just wants the toy for herself:

At the maternity clinic, Prue actually shows up for her appointment. And yes, she has a urine sample.
Prue: It was a tomato sauce bottle, ignore the color.
Joyce: I’m more worried about you smoking. It’s not good for you, and it’s really not good for your baby.
Prue: Actually, it’s great for us: makes the babies smaller, which makes labor easier.
Joyce: We’ll talk about it during your appointment. Until then, put out the cigarette.
In the cubicle, Joyce palpates Prue’s belly. Baby’s head hasn’t dropped yet.
Prue: And is that because of my AGE?
Trixie: LOL, no. It’s normal for a third pregnancy. Joyce, what do you advise Prue does when her water breaks?
Joyce: Call us right away, just in case baby’s head is still higher up.
Prue, snarky: Can’t I have a cigarette first?
Joyce, unamused:

Prue: Fine. Call you first.
Over at the Chdozie home, Dr. Turner examines Mr. Chdozie, and in the process, it becomes clear that the man is VERY thin.
Mrs. Chdozie: He eats well! I make the best I can!
Contrary to what the Chdozie’s saw on the newsreels before immigrating, life in Poplar is no cakewalk. They don’t have a huge income. Also, it turns out that when your lungs are all messed up, just breathing takes more energy, and you burn through a lot of calories.
Dr. Turner: Well, looks like you have TB. But there’s a lot we can do! I’m going to register your whole family at our practice, and set up x-rays at the hospital.
Mr. Chdozie: But what will all that cost?
Nancy: Nothing; medical treatment is free here.
Me: *cries in American*
Dr. Turner: Mr. Chdozie, I want you to start taking medicine immediately. Here’s a prescription.
Mrs. Chdozie: And this is free too?
Dr. Turner: Uh. No, it’s 2 shillings and 6 pence.
Reader, from the look on Mr. Chdozie’s face, that’s too much money for this family to easily afford. Later, back at Nonnatus, Nancy tells Phyllis how surprised she is to see a young family like this with TB. Phyllis reminds her that, not so many seasons ago, TB was a big deal. The x-ray vans (which we all remember from when Shelagh got diagnosed) successfully caught many cases before they could spread further. Unfortunately, they weren’t enough to eradicate TB, which is still, by the way, a very serious problem in many parts of the world (partly because it’s become resistant to some of the drugs which used to quickly cure the disease).
Back at the Chdozie home, Mr. Chdozie tells his wife even more bad news: he lost his job earlier that day. He sweeps too slowly to do the job well (probably because of the TB).
Mr. Chdozie: Back in Lagos I was a clerk for the government. Here I'm not even good enough to sweep the roads.
Mrs. Chdozie: There won’t be any more money after we buy that medicine.
Mr. Chdozie: But once I get that medicine, I’ll get better and find work.
Man I hope he’s right, I like them! The next morning, at Nonnatus, Sister Monica Joan sits in a tense silence, having ignored her breakfast. Why? She learned enough about rocket science to realize that those astronauts she loves so much will be getting to space via a truly bonkers amount of explosives, and she’s worried about them.

Across town, Prue’s water breaks mid cigarette. Does she call the midwives as instructed? No. She tells her kid to make some tea.

At the Chdozie home, Nancy drops in for another visit and suggests that Mrs. Chdozie might want to start weaning their youngest kiddo. She’s also brought some supplies and vouchers for food, and signed the kids up for free school meals. Mrs. Chdozie is ashamed, but Rosalind, who’s come along for the visit, tells her there’s nothing wrong with getting help. Her argument goes over better than it sometimes has in the past, partly because the kiddos are all so excited to have fresh milk to drink. Everyone has a snack, and then Nancy helps Mr. Chdozie and the rest of the family into a bus to head to the hospital for testing.
Rosalind: Can you imagine if your whole family had TB? That’s some horrible luck.
Sure is! Across town, Joyce and Shelagh have finally been summoned to Prue’s home.
Joyce: Well, baby hasn’t gotten the memo about what position it’s meant to be in. I think you need an enema to make sure baby has room to come on down.
Prue: Can’t I just have bran? That normally does the trick.
Shelagh: Let’s get you up and walking. That’ll help encourage contractions.
Prue: I’m not going anywhere. I’m saving my strength!
Joyce: Great, so you can pick: go for a walk, or I pump a bunch of hot soapy water into ya.
Unsurprisingly, Prue picks a walk.
Back at Nonnatus, Sister Monica Joan and Fred huddle around the TV to watch Apollo 11 launch. It all goes off without a hitch, to their mutual delight. Meanwhile, at the surgery, Miss Higgins fills Dr. Turner in on a call she just got from St. Cuthberts regarding the Chdozie family, and it’s worse than he thought. Mr. Chdozie is seriously ill, and needs to be set up with a bed in an isolation ward ASAP. Dr. Turner heads right over to give the bad news. And speaking of, at Nonnatus, Nancy asks Phyllis if she can tell her something serious.
Phyllis: Of course, anything.
Nancy: I think my mom had TB.
Phyllis: Did anyone ever tell you that?
Nancy: No, but the nuns never told us anything. I just remembered what my mom’s coughing sounded like after I visited Mr. Chdozie. She had bony hands like that too. It all suddenly made sense; I think that’s why she died. …you must think I’m imagining things.
Phyllis: You’re not imagining your loss. And if you want to find out more about your mom, I’m sure we can. But you need to be sure you’re ready for the answers.
The unspoken part of that sentence is that Phyllis plans to unleash Miss Higgins on this one, so Nancy will be getting information she didn’t even think to ask for. Getting Nancy’s assent, Phyllis heads straight over to her friend to make some calls.
At Prue’s house, Trixie arrives to join the party.
Trixie, to her colleagues: How’s she doing?
Prue, answering: Joyce is doing alright… for a student.
Joyce, amused: HEY NOW.
So clearly they’re bonding nicely. Just then, Prue is hit with a labor pain, which Joyce coaches her through very well. Shelagh heads out for the night, saying she’ll see Prue and the baby tomorrow. Reader, as a person who’s now seen every episode of this show, many of them multiple times, that feels like a jinx, and I don’t like it. Hopefully I’m wrong!
As the night progresses, it seems that everyone is up and about. Mr. Trixie’s trying to do paperwork while baby Jonty has an absolute screamfest in the next room. Fred and Sister Monica Joan look at the moon with binoculars in the allotment garden. Fred also uses this opportunity to talk to his friend about his worries with this whole mayor thing: how will Vi manage everything on her plate? Sister Monica Joan’s answer is easy and obvious: with Fred’s help!
Later, Rosalind bikes over to Prue’s house with an urgent message for Trixie: Mr. Trixie wants her to call him right away.
Trixie: Is something wrong? What did he say?
Rosalind: No details, but he sounded so tense I came straight over.
That’s enough for Trixie, who hands the towels she’s holding to Prue’s husband and bikes off to the phonebooth, terrified. That terror soon turns to annoyance, however: there is no emergency! Mr. Trixie just had a bad day at work and now has a headache and a crying baby. Ok, yes, that sounds rough, but it’s certainly not a good reason to call your spouse at work. Trixie tells him as much, and slams down the phone so she can go back to Prue’s, and arrives just in time for Joyce to tell her some potentially bad news: it feels like the baby might be in what’s called “face presentation.” Trixie doesn’t believe it at first (this is quite rare) but even before she can glove up I’m fairly certain that Joyce is right, because Joyce basically has the textbook memorized. Also I did a quick google and this could be bad: babies with this presentation can only be delivered vaginally if they’re in a specific position, and more than half require c-section. No shock here: Joyce was right. They need Dr. Turner.
He gets there soon enough, and after some preparation, it’s time to push. With some help from the forceps, Prue’s baby comes out just fine (albeit a little bruised on the face, which is normal). It’s a boy, which is a first for Prue, and everyone’s excited. Well, everyone except Trixie, who has to go home and commit a murder, probably. In reality, she just heads to the phonebox, leaving Joyce in charge of delivering the placenta. Unable to get Mr. Trixie on the phone, she comes back and tries to wrap things up quickly. Joyce has a slightly different idea: the placenta looks weird, and she wants to take extra time examining it.
Joyce: This is the weirdest placenta I’ve ever seen. It’s covered in grit and tiny cuts?
Trixie: What, you haven’t seen a smoker’s placenta before?
Joyce: Yeah, but this one is REALLY bad.
Trixie: It would be; she smokes 30 a day! I’m happy to sign off on it.
Joyce doesn’t seem so sure, but it’s hard to argue with your teacher in this kind of situation. So Trixie heads home and checks in on Mr. Trixie. His headache is better, and they soon make up from their argument, but I personally am not so quick to forgive. It sounds like Mr. Trixie is having some issues with his business, but that’s not a good excuse! Shape up, pal!
The next morning, Nancy finds out that Miss Higgins has been interrogating the nuns at the orphanage where Nancy grew up, and she’s not best pleased. Honestly, not sure how she thought they’d get this info otherwise, but I do get why it’d be… a lot… to have Miss Higgins up in your personal business.
Phyllis: This was all my idea, and I’m sorry.
Nancy, anger over: Don’t be sorry, it was kind.
Phyllis: Shall I just give you the facts? Miss Higgins found a Sister Agnes Mary.
Nancy: I remember her!
Phyllis: Well she goes by her original name, Kathleen, now, and she lives in a nursing home. She agreed to see you, and she will talk if that’s what you want.
Across town, Dr. Turner and Tim arrive at the Chdozie home to let them know that they’ve found an open bed on an isolation ward, and that an ambulance is on its way to take Mr. Chdozie to the ward. They’re not a moment too soon: he looks rough. Mr. Chdozie puts on his suit, and thanks Dr. Turner for looking after his family.
Dr. Turner: You’ve looked after them until now, and you will again. We are happy to do our part.
And that’s when Mr. Chdozie basically projectile-coughs blood across the room. If you’ve seen the dinner party ulcer scene in Downton Abbey, just picture that. The room explodes into a panic. Mrs. Chdozie rushes to collect her kids into one spot to comfort them and try to shield their eyes. Dr. Turner sends Timothy to find the ambulance, or call a new one if it's not there yet, and jumps directly into attempting CPR on Mr. Chdozie. After some time, Tim returns to say that he had to call an ambulance, but by the time he got to the phone, the first one had arrived. But unfortunately, double ambulances won’t do anything now: Mr. Chdozie has died.
Meanwhile, across town, Joyce and Shelagh arrive at Prue’s home to find her in pretty rough shape. She’s dealing with serious abdominal pain, so Shelagh sends Joyce to look over the baby while she checks on Prue. Shelagh ends up finding enough blood on the bed to prescribe an immediate visit to St. Cuthberts. While Prue is bundled into an ambulance, Shelagh confirms for Joyce that Prue has all the classic signs of a retained placenta.
Joyce: What causes that to be missed?
Shelagh: Midwife not paying enough attention to detail will do it, but placentas are complicated.
Me: SAY SOMETHING JOYCE. Your instincts were right!
To be fair, this is rough all around, and it’s not like Trixie isn’t going to find out she goofed, but still. Over at the maternity home, Nancy approaches Miss Higgins, and says that she would like to contact the woman she knew as Sister Agnes Mary. Miss Higgins agrees, and suggests that it might be better if she drove Nancy to the meeting. This actually makes a lot of sense, but since it’s so personal, Nancy only reluctantly agrees.
Back at Nonnatus, a reasonably chill lunch turns confrontational quickly when Sister Monica Joan says she doesn’t want to eat her lunch, and Rosalind kinda snarkily points out that some people would be happy to have their weird lunch.
Phyllis: Rosalind, that’s not how we speak to our elders.
Rosalind, chastened: I’m sorry.
Sister Monica Joan: Oh, I’m not ungrateful for our food. But the astronauts are eating sealed pouches of paste! I’m having paste too until they come back.
Phyllis: And where are you going to get this paste?
Me: Yeah, all those horrifying meal replacement startups are a good 60 years off!
Sister Monica Joan: I’ll have porridge instead.
At the surgery, Dr. Turner tells Shelagh what he’s just heard about Prue: she had a big chunk of retained placenta removed by the good folks at St. Cuthberts.
Shelagh: I’m not surprised; she was bleeding a lot.
Dr. Turner: Joyce was still checking in when I left, but obviously not well enough.
Back at Nonnatus, Joyce finally confides in someone, telling Rosalind that yeah, the placenta did look gnarly due to Prue’s smoking, but it wasn’t right, and Trixie signed off on it too soon because she was in a hurry.
Joyce: She left TWICE to make calls.
Rosalind: Twice? I knew she left once —
Joyce: Look, I don't know what was up, but she seemed desperate to get home. And she was in charge, I had to listen to her.
Rosalind: Joyce, you have to tell someone. This could stop you from qualifying, and it wasn’t your mistake.
Joyce: It’d be my word against hers!
Rosalind: No, because if you don’t say anything, it’ll be MY word against hers. I’ll do it! I care about you.
Damn, Rosalind! I knew I liked you for a reason! They head downstairs to talk to Sister Julienne just as she’s getting off the phone, presumably having spoken to the Turners about Prue. Sister Julienne tries to get Rosalind to leave.
Rosalind: Ok, but I won’t go without saying that I think the person you really need to speak with is Trixie.
Sister Julienne: Trixie?
Joyce: Unfortunately she was the one who said the placenta was complete.
Rosalind: Prue’s health matters most, but Joyce’s career matters too. Please don’t say I’m just making a fuss.
Sister Julienne: There’s a big difference between a fuss and facts.
Indeed there is! The next day, Sister Julienne talks to Trixie, who’s mortified.
Trixie: I’ve checked hundreds of placentas and never messed up!
Sister Julienne: Yeah, because normally you don’t rush. Joyce really didn’t want to say anything, but finally told me that you made two phone calls during the delivery, and were in a hurry to get home.
Trixie: I'm so sorry, that’s true. I put my home life first and worried about a man across town instead of the woman right in front of me. It's unprofessional and horrible and I’ll resign right now if you think I should.
Sister Julienne: Absolutely not. Everyone makes mistakes. What we need here is for you to regain your composure so we can figure out how to minimize the harm to Joyce. Ok?
Hello, I did not enjoy that, but it had to happen AND I think everyone took this whole thing exactly as seriously as they should have, which I really appreciate. Separately, I would like to wish Mr. Trixie a very bad headache again since he’s now ruined his wife’s day twice in a row.
While I fantasize about annoyances that could befall Mr. Trixie, Miss Higgins takes Nancy to meet the erstwhile Sister Agnes Mary.
Nancy: What do I say to her?
Miss Higgins: Just talk to her, and see what she says. She’s old, and won’t be able to handle aggressive questioning. If she says anything notable I’ll write it down!
The two join Miss Flanagan in the garden and start talking about Nancy’s mother. After some prompting, Miss Flanagan begins to remember. Nancy’s mother was extremely thin, and brought her daughter to the convent before she died to make sure that it was a good place for Nancy.
Miss Higgins: My friend here wondered why no other relatives could take her in?
Miss Flanagan: Your family had TB; your mother had sisters but they died before her. None of your relatives lived to an old age. I think she knew what was coming and that’s why she brought you to us.
Nancy: Why didn’t I get it when everyone else did?
Miss Flanagan: At one time I would have said God. But now I’m thinking natural immunity, or maybe vaccination. Did you make a good life?
Nancy: I’m a nurse. And I have a beautiful daughter.
Miss Flanagan: Your mother would have liked that.
Back at Nonnatus, Trixie calls the hospital and finds out that Prue is critical but stable. Phyllis comforts Trixie, first by acknowledging that “critical but stable” is unhelpfully vague, and then by reminding her that she can’t turn back time, but she can move forward. It seems that Phyllis’ whole day will be comforting her coworkers, because she leaves the convo with Trixie only to run into Nancy, who barrels into the older woman for a hug. Nancy tells Phyllis what she learned, and then goes inside, where she finds Colette. Overcome with worry, Nancy takes her kid down to the medical room and administers a TB test.
Sister Veronica, walking in on this: Uh, what’s up?
Nancy: I gave her the test. Can she please have the vaccination?
Sister Veronica: She’s not old enough!
Nancy: TB doesn’t care how old you are! It got our WHOLE FAMILY!
Phyllis: Can we maybe make an exception Sister Veronica? Please?
Sister Veronica: I suppose so. But we need to do so much paperwork.
Later, Joyce is called into Sister Julienne’s office with Phyllis. The meeting starts with them telling Joyce that Prue is improving, and hopefully will be sent home in a week or so. They then explain that Joyce’s case notes will be altered to show that Trixie was the one who signed off on the placenta, not Joyce.
Phyllis: Trixie’s got integrity, and she’s ready to admit she made a mistake. She’s very worried about the idea of you getting in trouble.
Joyce: Will she get in trouble?
Sister Julienne: We don’t think so. The placenta was in bad condition because Prue smoked. Problems may have happened in any case. Now we just need to worry about Prue and the baby.
Later that night, Trixie talks over the situation with her husband. Unfortunately, he tries to make her feel better by calling what happened “a tiny mistake” which it most certainly was not.
Trixie: It was a HUGE miss, and it could have killed her!
Mr. Trixie: Maybe taking some time off work wouldn’t be a bad idea? It’s a very demanding job!
Trixie: It’s also my vocation. It’s who I am. I thought you understood?
Mr. Trixie: I do, but we’re married now. It’s not just about who you are. You can do good in other ways! I mean, look at my mom. Her charity work is crucial! Maybe talk to her about it?
Me: I’m gonna kill him.
Trixie: Get in line. Volunteering is great, but it’s not the same as what I do, and I won’t change that just so I can be back at home in time to be your perfect little wife. I’ve made a decision. If Sister Julienne agrees, I will stay at Nonnatus 3 nights a week. While I’m there, I can be completely devoted to the patients, and while I’m here, I can fully focus on you and Jonty.
Mr. Trixie: We’ve been married for eight months. Are you a wife, or a midwife?
Trixie: Can’t I be both?
Mr. Trixie: Only you can answer that.
WOW. WOW OH WOW. Mr. Trixie, pal, what happened to you!? You successfully convinced us all you weren’t a total monster and then flopped SO HARD this episode. What the heck? Anyway, back at Nonnatus, Phyllis arrives home to find the TV off.
Sister Monica Joan: Oh, yes: it’s resting. We can’t risk it breaking before the moon landing broadcast tomorrow!
Adorable. Also adorable? Over at the Buckle’s shop, Vi tells Fred he’s not allowed to pick up the stack of papers: they’re too heavy. Unfortunately for her, she can’t lift them on her own. Fred’s compromise? Cutting the string that’s tied the whole stack together so that they can each grab a bunch. Teamwork!
Nancy visits the Chdozie family to drop off more medicine, and is welcomed inside to join them while they do a ritual for Mr. Chdozie.
And later that night, everyone gathers outside to watch the moon landing. When the lunar module touches down, there are cheers of excitement from everyone. But it’s late, and there’s a break before the astronauts take the moonwalk, which is how it happens that almost everyone has gone to bed, so Sister Monica Joan at Nonnatus, and Angela and Dr. Turner at the Turner house, are the only ones to see that one small step while it’s happening live.
The next day, Joyce and Trixie visit Prue at her home, and find out that she’s called the baby Neil after Neil Armstrong. Prue clearly doesn’t hold a grudge against either of them, but Trixie looks miserable nonetheless. Across town, Nancy and Dr. Turner take three of the Chdozie kids in a van to the TB isolation ward so that they can be cured.
Nancy: Do you have anyone who can support you while they’re gone?
Mrs. Chdozie: I have a friend who moved here before us, but I don’t know where.
Nancy: Well if you give me her name, I know someone who can track her down.
Do I now want a spinoff show where Miss Higgins finds missing people? Yes. Yes I do. As long as she doesn’t look too hard into Mr. Trixie’s disappearance, if that ever comes to pass. Speaking of whom: will he get his act together? And what will next week’s episode bring? Only time will tell!