Every season, the GBH Drama staff sit down to watch the latest and greatest in British dramas. And now, just a few short months after the last season, we have the springtime return of PBS favorite, Call The Midwife. Between our scrappy nurses, sassy nuns and gut-wrenching emotional trauma that somehow keeps you wanting more, there’s a lot to be excited about. Need a refresher on what happened last season? Check out our Season 10 and 2021 Holiday Special recaps here. Ready? Take a deep (lamaze) breath, and prepare yourself for Season 11!
We’re back, and this week’s episode is kicking off with a twin delivery: a relatively unusual occurrence here in Call The Midwife land, but nothing our friends haven’t handled before. While most of the squad works on that, Miss Higgins greets a new mama in the waiting room. Is she here for an appointment? No: her sister is the one having twins at this very moment, and she’s come to check in.
Miss Higgins: Well, great news: twin one just arrived, and she’s working on the second.
Singleton Mom: Is everything ok? I ask because twins run in the family and our mother had some issues when we were born. Is it ok if I stay until the second one arrives?
Miss Higgins: Of course! Here, while you wait, check out this pamphlet on our new post natal group.
Singleton Mom: Is it a class?
Miss Higgins: Nope! More of a social gathering/support group thing. Should be fun!
And speaking of fun, in the delivery room, baby number 2 has arrived. Twin Mom just went from zero to 2 kids in one day! Boots and Shelagh bring her sons over so she can hold them both, and so far, everyone seems to be perfectly healthy.

Across town, Sister Hilda calls on her patient for the day, the wife of a furrier who isn’t exactly keen for a chat at present: if he doesn’t finish his task in a timely manner, the skin he’s working on will be ruined. Now look: obviously there’s a lot of reasonable debate around the ethics of fur, but that movement didn’t really start until the 1970s, so we can forgive Sister Hilda for her initial response, which is to immediately start admiring Mr. Fur’s admittedly very luxurious looking work. Mr. Fur, having finished his task, takes her upstairs to meet his wife.
Back at the maternity home, Twin Mom and Boots are chatting about the double delivery when Singleton Mom comes in for a visit. As we might have surmised from earlier, she’s kind of an anxious gal, and after complimenting the babies and her sister’s fortitude, she asks if the littler twin is ok.
Twin Mom: Dude, can you just be chill for one minute? He’s fine!
Boots: Don’t worry, it’s pretty normal for twins to come out different sizes like that.
Singleton Mom: Yeah, when WE were born, Twin Mom was twice my size! It was like she just snarfled up all the nutrients in utero!
Twin Mom: HEY!
Boots: Seriously, it’s not like that: they’re almost the same size, and both are very healthy.
Sisters, am I right? Anyway, across town, after checking out their flat, Sister Hilda tells the Family Fur that she’s not super into the idea of having a home birth in their place.
Mrs. Fur: But why? I’ve lived here my whole life!
Grandpa Fur: And we’ve been here a lot longer than that; Mrs. Fur’s grandfather was born here too!
Sister Hilda: It’s not anything about you guys, it’s the work downstairs. The board of health may have an issue because preparing furs is considered an “offensive industry.”
Mrs. Fur: Please? My husband never brings any of his work upstairs!
Sister Hilda, reluctant: … Ok. But you have to promise me: keep the fur completely separate. Hang on, is something wrong, Mr. Fur?
Mr. Fur: No, I’m fine, just a tickle in my throat.
Mrs. Fur: He won’t go see a doctor, but he’s been having this issue for a while.
Sister Hilda: Yeah, not on my watch: you have to come visit the surgery. If you’re sick you could put the baby at risk.
Important to note: when Sister Hilda says “offensive industry,” she doesn’t mean offensive as in causing hurt or offense; this is a regulatory descriptor that basically means there’s a pollution issue, which I guess is a pretty reasonable concern for childbirth. My bigger question is whether it’s really safe for the family to continue living above the shop if there really is a pollution problem, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Mr. Fur, as it turns out, is willing to go to the doctor if it’s important for his baby, and heads right over to see Dr. Turner.
Mr. Fur: So, we good? Can I tell Sister Hilda it’s no big deal?
Dr. Turner: I’m not sure. Your lungs sound weird, and it’s definitely not asthma. Have you coughed up any blood? Lost a lot of weight?
Mr. Fur: No blood, but I work long hours, and don’t always eat.
Dr. Turner: Hm. Do you have night sweats? Based on your face, I’m taking that as a yes: we should have you go over to St. Cuthberts for a scan, just in case. We need to rule out TB.
Mr. Fur: No. No hospitals! Look, I’ve had TB before, and I know what that feels like. This isn’t TB.
Dr. Turner: Wait, what? That isn’t on your chart.
Mr. Fur: It was a long time ago. Before I immigrated here from Poland.
Dr. Turner: What kind of treatment did they give you? Look, treatments change and TB can recur. We really do need to have you checked at the hospital.
Across town, Trixie welcomes a whole squad of ladies to the post natal group meeting, including Singleton Mom, whose baby is being a bit fussy. All the other new moms act like things are going great; they’ve adjusted to the feeding routines, and are all smiles, which makes poor stressed out Singleton Mom stand out even more. Trixie chats to the group, and makes a special effort to tell them all that the Nonnatus midwives are always available if anyone needs extra help or advice. After class, Singleton Mom hangs back while Trixie cleans up.
Trixie: So, I never got to ask you: how are the feedings going?
Singleton Mom: Well I shouldn’t complain… my sister just had twins, it’s harder for her.
Trixie: Oh, that’s right, you’re Twin Mom’s twin! I remember seeing you both at clinic together sometimes.
Singleton Mom: Yeah, we don’t look alike. Twin Mom is the impressive one: born first, walked first… our mother clearly preferred her.
Trixie: Well, the smart babies watch and learn from the other ones. How are you finding being a mom?
Singleton Mom: Getting her into a routine is impossible. Any routine. It’s hard.
Trixie: She’s still young, and some kids take longer than others. Want me to visit you at home to help?
Singleton Mom: NO. I don’t need help! I’m sure it’s just that she’s still young, like you said.
Later, Lucille comes home after a long day of hard work, and just wants to put her feet up. Cyril, ever a delight, is supportive and understanding. He’s also got good news: he’s got a job interview lined up with a construction company where he’d get to actually use that civil engineering qualification.
Cyril: I’m pretty nervous!
Lucille: Well, we can do some praying and I’ll iron your shirt; that’ll be a good start.
Cyril: Part of me just worries I’ll be stuck as a mechanic forever.
Lucille: Change will come. And that’s not the only change we’ll need to prepare for…
But before Lucille can finish that thought, our favorite church lady Mrs. Wallace arrives for evening services! What the heck!? Across town, things at Singleton Mom’s house are worse than she’s letting on: when she starts to feed her baby, her face crumples into a pained sob. Something is definitely going awry with the breastfeeding situation. And that stress comes out when she visits her sister in the maternity home the next day.
Twin Mom: I feel like they’re going to end up super tall like their dad: look how huge they are! They’re almost as big as your baby already!
Singleton Mom: Well they’re boys though; I bet you won’t be able to make enough milk and you’ll end up having to use formula.
Shelagh, accidentally making everything worse: Oh, no worries there: your sister is a lactation rockstar.
Twin Mom: Why are you in such a crappy mood anyway? Your cardigan is buttoned up wrong too; and why are you wearing one anyway? It’s a million degrees. Are you ok?
Singleton Mom: It’s just that it’s her feeding time.
Hmm. I don't buy THAT for a second, and I’m not sure Twin Mom does either. Across town, Vi returns to the shop to find Fred is up to some new scheme, which Reggie pronounces “genius.”
Fred: Well THANK you Reg; glad someone around here appreciates my vision.
Vi: Vision? You just bought WAY too many popsicles.
Fred: Yeah, because I predicted this heat wave. Predicted it! We’re gonna make a bundle!
Vi: LOL, sure. We’ll never sell them all.
Fred: I’m a natural salesman, babe. This’ll be cake.
Vi, on her way out the door: Ok, smartass, then let’s make a deal. If you empty that cooler today I will cook you a steak dinner. If you can’t, you have to clean this whole place top to bottom.
Fred: Hell yeah, you’re on. Reggie, let’s fortify ourselves with some samples before we get started.
Reggie: Uh, Fred? It’s not cold in there. The freezer is broken.

Luckily, our enterprising friends have a plan: they’ll just have to hit the streets and give out the popsicles before they melt! Vi said empty the freezer, not sell the merchandise! This is a win win!

Well, they could get caught by Vi, that’s what. In the midst of their popsicle free for all, they spot the councilwoman making her way down the road, and take cover inside Nonnatus, where they find a very distressed Sister Monica Joan, who is overwhelmed by the heat.
Fred: Oh, well in that case: have a popsicle!
Sister Monica Joan: I prayed for this! Angels brought you to me!
Awwww! And speaking of sweet moments, across the city, Trixie is on a cute picnic date with A for Effort and Baby Jonathan, and predictably, a certain young man’s ice cream has just plopped out of its cone and directly onto Trixie’s pretty dress. Later that night, as she cleans the ice cream out of her clothes, she jokes to Boots that for her next date she should just wear a raincoat.

Boots: So…. are you guys officially dating now?
Trixie: I guess so?
Boots: Well that’s not super promising.
Trixie: Ugh, well: we were friends for so long that it’s hard to shift into that romantic zone? I always kind of expected fireworks at the start of a relationship, but I guess he’s already been married to the love of his life, ya know?
Oh, Trixie :( This is a tough way to start a romance! Over at the surgery, Miss Higgins delivers Mr. Fur’s radiology report from St. Cuthberts, which is honestly confusing. No sign of TB, no sign of pneumonia, no explanation for the lung situation. And the mystery may have to wait, because at that very moment, Mrs. Fur has gone into labor. As Lucille starts to unwrap tools, Mr. Fur gets visibly freaked out, but despite that, checks with his wife: does she want him to stay? Lucille kindly takes the towels he’s holding and sends him to wait in the hall, where unfortunately he can still hear his wife’s pained moans. She’s running out of steam, and it’s starting to look like our midwife friends might need to use the forceps to help her deliver the baby. Alone, in the dining room, Mr. Fur reaches his breaking point. He bursts into the room, knocks over the tray of tools, and yells at the team to get away from his wife and stop hurting her.
Dr. Turner, chivvying Mr. Fur out of the room: We aren’t hurting her, I promise, we’re trying to help her.
Sister Hilda: Just ignore him; focus on us, we’ve got this.
In the kitchen, Dr. Turner finally finds out why Mr. Fur is struggling so much with his wife’s screams, and why he didn’t want to talk about his previous experience with TB: this poor man survived Auschwitz. Before they really get into that topic of conversation, they hear the newborn crying in the next room.
Dr. Turner, grabbing Mr. Fur’s hand: You survived, despite all odds, and your new baby is crying in the next room.
Dr. Turner gently escorts his patient into the bedroom, where he greets his baby boy for the first time. Yes, mother and baby are physically fine, but I still want to know what’s up with Mr. Fur’s lungs, and more importantly, what they’re going to do to help support him as he continues to deal with the lifelong impact of unimaginable trauma.
Across town, Vi returns to the shop to find every single one of the popsicles gone. And weirdly, instead of being skeptical like *I* would be, she just congratulates Fred on a job well done and says he’s earned his steak dinner.

The next morning, Lucille wanders into the kitchen with the kind of confused vibe that only comes from oversleeping a lot. Did she miss the alarm?
Cyril: Yeah, but you were so cute I decided to let you sleep.
And then he hands her a beautifully cooked breakfast and a letter from the construction company he interviewed with earlier. He’s too nervous to open it: can she do it? Unfortunately, the news isn’t good: they don't think he has enough experience.
Cyril, saying what we’re all thinking: How can I get experience if I can’t get a job?
Lucille: Don’t worry, there will be other opportunities.
Across town, Singleton Mom has finally cracked. She calls Nonnatus and basically begs Trixie to come over, which of course she does.
Singleton Mom: I know I’m supposed to be able to do this, but it just hurts so much; I can’t handle it anymore.
Trixie: Breastfeeding isn’t always easy for folks; there could be something medically wrong. Does it hurt on both sides?
Singleton Mom nods, and then shows Trixie her breast. Immediately, Trixie knows what’s happening: poor Singleton Mom has a severe case of mastitis. The good news? It can be treated with antibiotics and should clear up soon. Trixie tells her patient how glad she is that Singleton Mom finally asked for help, and finds out why it took so long: she was embarrassed because she thought she should have been able to just figure out all this stuff naturally.
Unfortunately, the parenting angst doesn’t end there. Over at the allotment, Lucille chats to Phyllis about family planning.
Lucille: It’s hard: we want to start a family, but we also want to wait until Cyril has a better job so we can save up to buy a house.
Phyllis: Well that makes sense.
Lucille: I’ve been taking the pill since we got married, and I felt so confident that I had everything under control, but… I don’t know if it worked.
Phyllis: What does Cyril think about that?
Lucille: I haven’t told him yet; I was hoping I was wrong.
Phyllis: Well let’s figure that part out first: give me a sample and I’ll run a test. Discreetly.
Across town, Dr. Turner looks in on Mrs. Fur, who is thankfully recovering great from the delivery. Maybe sensing that things are still amiss with Mr. Fur, however, our doctor friend asks for a cup of coffee, and as soon as Mr. Fur leaves to fetch it, his wife spills the beans: her husband hasn’t slept or eaten since the baby arrived, and he won’t take off his coat. In the kitchen, sitting down for coffee, Dr. Turner comes straight to the point.
Dr. Turner: It’s hot in here, huh? You must be overheated in that coat.
Mr. Fur: I have to be ready.
Dr. Turner: You think you might need to travel on short notice?
And then Mr. Fur proceeds to tell them about his experience in Auschwitz. How his family didn’t leave Poland in time, and got put on the train. How they arrived, tired and dirty, and how he and his father survived, while his mom and younger brother were sent into gas chambers. After something like that, no wonder he feels like he has to be ready to leave at a moment's notice.
Later, Grandpa Fur holds his great-grandson and starts planning out the baby’s bris.
Sister Hilda: That’s a circumcision, right? You know I’ve heard about them, but I’ve never seen one done?
Mrs. Fur: Women don’t go to the actual ceremony, but would you like to come to the celebration as my guest?
Sister Hilda: I would be honored!
Mr. Fur: We’re trying to keep it low key; I don’t know why everyone’s trying to make such a fuss.
Sister Hilda: Have you picked a name yet?
Grandpa Fur: They can’t say it yet; it’s tradition for the mohel to announce it at the bris.
Mrs. Fur: I want to give him a hebrew name, maybe after Mr. Fur’s dad.
Mr. Fur: Well I think he should have an English name: everyone shouldn’t know he’s Jewish everywhere he goes!
Oof. It’s easy to see why Mr. Fur is worried about everyone knowing his son’s Jewish identity, but it’s also clearly a painful sticking point in the family, and I hope they can support each other while they figure this out.
Across town, Sister Monica Joan makes her way into Vi’s shop, and I’m not gonna lie, I can’t wait for her to accidentally rat Fred out.
Vi: Oh, hello! How are you?
Sister Monica Joan: I’m awful; I feel like I’m about to die. Is Fred around?
Vi: I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well. Fred’s out at the moment — maybe I can help?
Sister Monica Joan:

At the surgery, Phyllis attempts to sneakily get Lucille’s sample added to the pile on Miss Higgins’ desk, but it’s no easy task: the eagle eyed receptionist keeps looking up as Phyllis edges closer. Finally, she succeeds by asking Miss Higgins to write down a list of tricks to keep cool in the heat (a list of tricks that she’s clearly already heard about 1 million times before, because Miss Higgins loves to share her “wisdom”) and attacking the desk while her friend bends over to get paper out of her drawer.

Meanwhile, Boots runs into A for Effort, and offers him a bit of unsolicited relationship advice.
Boots: Dude, you have GOT to turn up the romance! You’re not looking for a nanny, you’re looking for a girlfriend. Get a damn babysitter, and take my friend out properly! She should feel like the only girl in the world!
A for Effort, as is his wont, seems to take this in stride pretty well, so hopefully Trixie is in for a better date night next time. Meanwhile, Grandpa Fur checks on Mr. Fur.
Grandpa Fur: You know, you’re actually pretty good at this job. Maybe even as good as me!
Mr. Fur: Aw, thank you. Look, I’d like you to hold the baby during the ceremony.
Grandpa Fur: That’s a big honor. Thank you. I want you to know: your dad would be proud of you.
Over at Nonnatus, A for Effort arrives to visit Trixie, and he’s brought some nice flowers as an apology from baby J for being such a tiny mess. He also invites Trixie on a proper dinner date, which she happily accepts. Boots for the win! Across town, Fred enters the kitchen to find Vi cooking up the promised steak dinner.
Fred, completely missing the dangerous vibes all around him: That smells amazing; I’ve been looking forward to this all week!
Vi: I bet you worked up an appetite with all that popsicle peddling! You know, I’m really excited to do the books this week; you must have made a fortune with all those sales.
Fred: Well, about that… hang on, where’s my steak?
Vi: Sister Monica Joan stopped by earlier and asked if I had any more of those free popsicles. The game is up, baby cakes! Yum, this steak, which only I will be eating tonight, is delicious.
Fred, I love ya, but serves you right. The next day, the Fur family and friends (and Sister Hilda) gather for the bris. Mrs. Fur explains that the baby’s name is Joel, but he’ll go by George at school.
Sister Hilda: Is that what Mr. Fur wants?
Mrs. Fur: He’s just so afraid of everything.
Honestly, can we really blame him? Later on, Sister Hilda sneaks out of the party to go admire one of the fur coats some more, and is startled to find Mr. Fur also hanging out in the workroom.
Mr. Fur: You love that coat, huh?
Sister Hilda, sheepish: Yeah, my mother had a coat a lot like this one. It reminds me of her. The coat was handed down to me, but of course I couldn't keep it when I entered the order. Isn’t it funny how sometimes items just take you back in time? Anyway, what are you doing lurking down here?
Mr. Fur: I don’t know, honestly. I feel like I don’t belong up there somehow.
Sister Hilda: But it’s your celebration!
Mr. Fur: I’ve realized recently just how cut off I am from my heritage. My dad would have been the one to show me these things.
And then, overcome, Mr. Fur starts to have one of his coughing fits. Sister Hilda tries to help, but he waves her away, and then continues.
Mr. Fur: I had to learn my bar mitzvah Torah portion secretly in the camp. A rabbi taught me, but I never had the ceremony. One day the officers came and rounded up a lot of the men, including the rabbi and my dad. I was waiting for him to call me over, but he didn’t, and that’s the last time I saw him. I haven’t been able to pray since. Why didn’t he take me with him instead of leaving me all alone?
Sister Hilda: Because he wanted you to live.
Mr. Fur: I’m worried I might be really sick, but I just want to see my son grow up.
Across town, at Nonnatus, Trixie tells the group that she’s worried about Singleton Mom: Trixie doesn't think breastfeeding is working out for her and her daughter.
Phyllis: Well, is the kiddo getting enough food?
Trixie: No, she’s lost too much weight.
Sister Julienne: And of course we have to worry about mom’s mental state. We’ll try and support her as much as we can: maybe you can sit with her during feeds for a while?
Trixie, of course, agrees to this plan, and the first time she goes to visit, she finds Twin Mom already there visiting her sister.
Twin Mom, totally oblivious to her twin’s pain: Oh hey! Look at my giant babies, who both are crushing the breastfeeding game! Oop, and now my little niece is trying to get a taste too? Knock it off, you little goose!
Singleton Mom, losing it: Give me my baby right now.
Trixie: Ok, please just try to calm down; she’s probably just smelling the milk. Twin Mom, I think it might just be good for you to leave.
Alone with her patient, Trixie confirms that the antibiotics are definitely helping.
Trixie: And look, I’m sure your sister didn’t mean to be hurtful.
Singleton Mom: She just doesn’t get it. And how could she? She’s never failed at anything.
Trixie: I know this is hard, but comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t be mad, if you can avoid it.
Singleton Mom: I’m not mad. I don’t feel anything at all. I just want to sleep; I wish the clocks would stop.
Trixie: Why don’t you go take a nap: I think things will look better once you’ve rested.
And she goes to do just that, but of course Trixie is still, understandably, pretty worried, and TBH so am I. Across town, at the clinic, Phyllis and Lucille hide in one of the offices so Lucille can open her test results. She was right about the birth control failing: the test is positive, and she’s pregnant.
Me, watching this scene:

Phyllis: AHH YAY! Lucille, I’m so happy to see you smiling, and you two are going to be incredible parents.
Lucille: I’m just worried about what Cyril will say! This isn’t exactly what we planned.
Phyllis: Don’t be silly: he’s going to be as happy as you are!
Lucille: And I am SO so happy :)
Phyllis: Ok, well first thing we should figure out is when you’re due. YAY!
And soon after, Lucille heads home to tell Cyril the news.
Lucille: Hey, I have to tell you something.
Cyril: Well that sounds serious.
Lucille: We never do things lightly; we try to plan everything out very carefully. But sometimes God has a different plan… we’re going to have a baby.
Cyril’s brain briefly short circuits, and then he gets completely excited as we all knew he would. These two beautiful sweeties deserve it! Unfortunately, in less good news, across town, Mr. Fur has another one of his coughing fits while working in the shop, and I’m sorry to say that it sounds like it’s getting worse. But before we find out what exactly is going on, we go to the Turner house, where our friends hear on the news that the government has just passed The Sexual Offences Act, which legalizes homosexual activity between consenting adults.
Shelagh: Wow, this is great news!
Dr. Turner: It is, but it’s not going to change the problems with public perception. I’ll still probably have a lot of worried patients and people will still seek out conversion therapy, even though it shouldn’t be a thing.
Shelagh: You’re unusually pessimistic. Hard case?
Dr. Turner: Yeah, it’s Mr. Fur. He definitely doesn’t have asthma, and there’s no sign of TB, but he’s struggling to breathe and his chest sounds awful.
Shelagh: Could it be trauma related?
Dr. Turner: I don’t know. Everyone is so individual, you know? But I think there might be an industrial element.
While we worry, A for Effort picks up Trixie for their date, and if I may say, they both clean up very nicely. Later that night, Lucille wakes up to an empty bed, and comes into the kitchen to find Cyril having a panic job search moment at the kitchen table. Later, Phyllis and Lucille chat again: how did Cyril take the news?
Lucille: He was over the moon!
Phyllis: Aw, yay! Anyway, let’s get you on the books so we can start scheduling your appointments :)
Lucille: Definitely, but Cyril and I don’t want to tell anyone else yet; I’ll register in a couple of weeks.
Meanwhile, Singleton Mom, still overwhelmed and miserable, leaves her daughter in her pram outside and then goes back into her house, hiding from the world. When Trixie calls sometime later, she scoops up the baby and heads inside to investigate.
Trixie: What the heck did you do this for? How long has she been out there?
Singleton Mom: I had to get her away from me; I thought one of us might end up going out the window otherwise.
Understandably concerned, Trixie heads back to Nonnatus to talk this over with Sister Julienne. Trixie is of the opinion that Singleton Mom needs more help than Trixie alone can give her, and that they need to step in.
Sister Julienne: We might be able to get her admitted to a postnatal center. They have staff on hand at all hours to care for both mothers and babies.
Trixie: That sounds perfect. I think it’d help her to know she’s not alone with her feeding issues.
Sister Julienne: There are limited beds available, but I’ll see what I can do.
Fingers crossed! At the surgery, Dr. Turner has the Fur family come in for a consultation.
Dr. Turner: I talked to a colleague at St. Cuthberts, and he thinks you might have something called extrinsic allergic alveolitis. It’s caused by dust and animal hair.
Mrs. Fur: Is it serious?
Dr. Turner: It can be, but we caught it early. We think you can fully recover, but you’ll have to stop working with fur.
Mr. Fur: Wait, what? But that’s my profession! I have a family to take care of!
Mrs. Fur: My dad’s always said he’d make you a manager; I’ll make sure he does that now.
Phew, I am so relieved they found a treatment option for this poor guy: he’s already been through way too much. And speaking of options: over dinner, Cyril and Lucille talk about their impending kiddo.
Lucille: Look, I know we wanted to buy a house, but this is a pretty good location actually. The shop is just downstairs, so we can get supplies easily. And you know Mrs. Wallace will be falling over herself to babysit. And the singing will help the baby sleep. It’s ok to be worried; I’m worried too. But we’ll get through this together.
At Nonnatus, during prayers, Sister Hilda can’t stop thinking of Mr. Fur. Later, she pays him a visit.
Sister Hilda: I admittedly don’t know a ton about Judaism. But I do know a lot about the importance of faith and religious practice, especially for peace of mind. I think you might be able to help yourself find some strength if we can help you right a wrong that was done to you, so I talked to the rabbi. He’s ready to help you finally have your bar mitzvah, if that’s something you’d like?
Mr. Fur: I… think I’d really like that! Thank you. And I have something for you too. I was taught to never waste a thing, but I thought you might like this.
And of course, he’s given her a beautiful scrap piece of fox fur, which she very gratefully accepts. Meanwhile, Trixie and Sister Julienne have been able to secure a bed for Singleton Mom, and Trixie heads over to explain.
Singleton Mom: How can these people help me when you can’t?
Trixie: Well, they’ll be with you at all times, including over night.
Singleton Mom: Great, because I need so much help.
Trixie: Accepting help isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength!
Twin Mom, supporting her sister: You’ve got this!
Thankfully, Singleton Mom agrees, and soon starts feeling a LOT better. And with that, all of our plotlines wrap up nicely: Mr. Fur has his bar mitzvah. Lucille and Cyril let themselves be excited about their baby, Trixie and A for Effort go on another picnic, and Vi finally makes a very sad Fred a steak. How will the rest of the group react to Lucille and Cyril’s news? I almost can't wait for next week to find out!
Episode 1 recap: keeping up appearances
Episode 2 recap: oh my god... they were roommates!
Episode 3 recap: build me up buttercup