Just what are the origins of our housing problems? It goes without saying that slavery eliminated all basic rights for Black people. And even after slaves were emancipated, racism stacked the deck against Black Americans striving for economic equality and home ownership. Fast forward to the early 1930's and you'll learn that what we consider to be a broken system isn't actually broken. It was, in fact, built to be this way.
The State Of Race is a series of virtual forums examining race and inequality in Massachusetts, presented by GBH and The Boston Globe. The January forum, hosted by award-winning journalist Dan Lothian, focused on the housing gap and featured Lisa Rice, President and CEO of the National Housing Alliance; Alex Ponte-Capellan, community organizer and housing advocate; and Tim Logan, The Boston Globe's Housing Reporter. The panel explored inequity in the housing sector and its long-lasting impact on communities of color in the Commonwealth.
Watch the full episode of The State Of Race: The Housing Gap here .