Making Science Accessible
For nearly 50 years, NOVA has played a crucial role in informing and inspiring audiences with the joy and transformative power of science and human ingenuity. Gifts to the NOVA Science Trust ensure NOVA’s ability to continue to make complex scientific topics accessible to everyone, telling stories at the intersection of science and society, and revealing the relevance of science in our lives. These gifts also support NOVA’s commitment to building a culture of inclusion: to highlight the work of scientists and filmmakers who have not been well-represented in the field of science communication; to expand the scope of the stories we tell, making them more inclusive and reflective of our society; and to engage a more diverse audience through targeted outreach efforts.
Gifts to the NOVA Science Trust provide the series with flexible working capital which supports the research, development and production of NOVA films, digital content, and educational and outreach activities.
At NOVA, we've always been dedicated to making the power and joy of scientific discovery accessible to everyone. This work has become even more urgent, because science plays a major role in so many of the most pressing challenges that are facing us today.Julia Cort, Executive Producer, NOVA
The greater the public understanding of the scientific process and the more equipped the public is to make fact-based decisions, the healthier and more prepared for the future our society will be.Chris Schmidt, Executive Producer, NOVA
For more information about supporting the NOVA Science Trust, please contact:
Ariele Sherman
Senior Major Gifts Officer
For more information about including NOVA in your estate plans, please contact:
Julie Hallowell
Director of Gift Planning and Endowment
For a full listing of NOVA supporters, including donors to the NOVA Science Trust, please click here .
To view all directed giving opportunities, please click here .