Masterpiece Theatre premiered in 1971 with The First Churchills and quickly became a beloved PBS series, igniting America's passion for classic and contemporary British tales brought to life through scripts, costumes, and sets. More than 50 years later and in a new chapter of its storied history, MASTERPIECE continues to bring incomparable British drama and mysteries to millions of people through broadcast television and streaming services, interactive digital platforms, and social media.
The MASTERPIECE Trust was established in 2011 to help ensure that the iconic and celebrated series will warm the homes of audiences for another half-century and beyond. The Trust—a collaborative initiative between MASTERPIECE’S producing station GBH Boston and PBS stations nationwide—provides the opportunity for individual donors to help provide for MASTERPIECE’s present and future in a substantial way while also supporting their local PBS stations.
It's our job to find the very best, the shows that viewers want to watch, the shows that they're excited about, and want to invest in. Every week they should be able to turn on MASTERPIECE and love what they're seeing.Susanne Simpson, MASTERPIECE Executive Producer
Funding of high-quality, first-rate, award-winning drama has become a significant challenge in recent years. We believe that MASTERPIECE has earned the respect and loyalty of its audience over five wonderful decades, and hope that our dedicated viewers will help us keep the legacy alive. Support of the MASTERPIECE Trust will ensure that our series remains a vital part of the television landscape for years to come.Rebecca Eaton, MASTERPIECE Executive Producer-At-Large
For more information about supporting the MASTERPIECE Trust, please contact:
Emma Thomas
Major Gifts Officer
For more information about including MASTERPIECE in your estate plans, please contact:
Julie Hallowell
Director of Gift Planning and Endowment
For a full listing of MASTERPIECE supporters, including donors to the MASTERPIECE Trust, please click here .
To view all directed giving opportunities, please click here .