For many donors, the optimal way to make a planned gift to WGBH is through a bequest or other testamentary provision.
Restricted and Unrestricted Bequests
Bequests to WGBH can be earmarked for a specific purpose or given without restriction, and can be made for a specific dollar amount or a specific asset, such as a painting or real estate. Another option is to leave a bequest of the residue of your estate or a percentage of the residue of your estate.
Rather than restricting a bequest to support a specific program (such as Nova, Masterpiece, Frontline, etc.), we recommend designating a program genre in your bequest, such as children’s, science, arts and humanities, music, history, or public affairs.
To make sure your wishes are followed, consult with an attorney knowledgeable in estate planning to determine that your will is written properly. If your will already is in place, it is possible to add a codicil — an amendment to your will that includes a charitable bequest. You also may include WGBH in your revocable trust. An attorney should see that all state and other requirements are met so that your will is valid and up-to-date. Notifying us of your intention to make a bequest qualifies you for membership in WGBH’s Great Blue Hill Society .
Suggested language for a bequest for unrestricted use
“I give [insert dollar amount or percentage of residuary estate] to the WGBH Educational Foundation of Boston, Massachusetts, for its general use and purposes.”
Suggested language for a bequest for restricted use
“I give [insert dollar amount or percentage of estate] to the WGBH Educational Foundation of Boston, Massachusetts, to support [choose one or more of the following: children’s, science, arts and humanities, music, history or public affairs] programs and services. If, due to a change in circumstances, it is not practical to use this fund for this purpose, the WGBH Board of Trustees may designate such other use, which, in their opinion, most closely fits my original intent.”
Tax Status and Identification Number
WGBH Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, charitable organization headquartered at One Guest Street, Boston, MA 02135. Our federal tax identification number is 04-2104397. Your attorney may want to include this number in your will or trust to help your executor facilitate your bequest.
We recommend that you consult with your attorney regarding any bequest, trust provision or retirement plan designation. We are available to work with your professional advisors. WGBH does not provide legal or tax advice.
Contact Us
To learn more about making a bequest to WGBH, please contact the Office of Gift Planning & Endowment at
or 800-220-7122. WGBH is located at One Guest Street, Boston, MA, 02135.