Since last Friday, more than two dozen WGBH News journalists, producers, and engineers have been working and reporting live from Manchester, NH to cover the 2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary on Tuesday, February 11. In all, WGBH News will produce more than 25 hours of live coverage, including live broadcasts of Morning Edition, Boston Public Radio, and Greater Boston from the Granite State, with extensive digital coverage on
doors have opened for the Joe Biden primary night event in Nashua, and the turnout is pretty low. It's safe to say a lot of his supporters aren't thrilled he's going to be in South Carolina this evening, though he does plan to video conference in. @wgbhnews #NHprimary2020
— Tori Bedford (@Tori_Bedford) February 12, 2020
Weld: "On to Super Tuesday! ...We will be locked in combat with Donald Trump for a long time." Weld just gave a rather detailed breakdown of the electoral delegate math he says means he has a path - not to victory, but to getting Trump defeated.
— IsaiahThompson (@isaiah_thompson) February 12, 2020
Met some more folks from out of state who came to support the Sanders campaign.
— Saraya Wintersmith (@SWINTERSMITH) February 12, 2020
Liz Powers is from RI. Mary, Joe and Mike Litwinsky are from MA, and they’re excited to watch results come in here.
Also: Check out the kicks.
Rough night for @ewarren, but still a whole lot of takers for post-speech pics with the candidate #fitn #nhprimary #mapoli
— Adam Reilly (@reillyadam) February 12, 2020
Supporters are fired up as Amy Klobuchar speaks at her election night party in Concord, NH. @wgbhnews #FITN #Election2020
— Edgar B Herwick III (@ebherwick3) February 12, 2020
Really enjoyed joining @NewsHour to talk about the NH primary before the polls closed. (And after sharing office space with them for a few days, I can confidently say they’re a shockingly nice bunch of people.) #fitn #NHprimary2020 #NHprimary
— Adam Reilly (@reillyadam) February 12, 2020
The sun is a sight for sore eyes this morning in Manchester, NH. Join us for complete primary coverage on @WGBH’s Morning Edition on 89.7 @wgbhnews #fitn
— Joe Mathieu (@GBHJoe) February 12, 2020
The NH primary is officially over when the crew strikes the @wgbhnews Manchester bureau.
— Joe Mathieu (@GBHJoe) February 12, 2020
Wouldn’t be a NH primary without a @VerminSupreme sighting
— Craig LeMoult (@clemoult) February 11, 2020
Klobuchar's Dilemma: with no forks, spoons or combs in sight, this reporter finds herself eating ramen with two wooden coffee stirrers
— Tori Bedford (@Tori_Bedford) February 11, 2020
With clock nearing 5pm, the sun disappearing, and the temperature dropping - Noah Hodgetts stands alone outside the Ward 4 polling location in Concord, NH, holding placards for his chosen candidate. @wgbhnews #FITN #Election2020
— Edgar B Herwick III (@ebherwick3) February 11, 2020
Greetings now from Manchester #NH where front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders is trying to hold on to a slight edge.
— Saraya Wintersmith (@SWINTERSMITH) February 12, 2020
We’re about 5 minutes from the scheduled opening of general admission doors.
Let’s talk to some voters.
In the event that you’re interested in the carpet pattern at the event center in Concord, NH where Amy Klobuchar is holding her primary night party. @wgbhnews #FITN #Election2020
— Edgar B Herwick III (@ebherwick3) February 11, 2020
Awaiting primary results at Rep. Bill Weld campaign party for @wgbhnews. A Sanders rally this is not - but mood is positive, jovial even. Ppl here skew moderate GOP or Dem & say they just ... really like Bill Weld. He was a great Mass Gov and he's a great guy, they say.
— IsaiahThompson (@isaiah_thompson) February 12, 2020
MANCHESTER, N.H. — No #FITN primary is complete without a meet up with @VerminSupreme.
— Peter Kadzis (@Kadzis) February 11, 2020
▶️ WATCH LIVE: @JoeBiden live with @GBHJoe at the @wgbhnews studios in Manchester, NH on primary day #FITN:
— WGBH News (@wgbhnews) February 11, 2020
I’m (gently) hassling voters in Derry today, asking who they voted for and/or what issues were on their minds as they cast their ballots. Here’s the scene at one of the three polling places in town #FITN @wgbhnews
— Adam Reilly (@reillyadam) February 11, 2020
Senator Amy Klobuchar just emerged from a campaign bus in Manchester, exchanged a few quick words with some folks gathered here, and is now headed to Concord. #FITN #Elections2020 @wgbhnews
— Edgar B Herwick III (@ebherwick3) February 11, 2020
Set selfie. @GBHJoe @KarenTypesWords
— WGBH Early Edition (@EarlyWgbh) February 10, 2020
people are crowsurfing -- I haven't seen Sanders in the pit but I'll report back if I do
— Tori Bedford (@Tori_Bedford) February 11, 2020
Gonna send a tweet or two from @amyklobuchar’s rally in Manchester in a bit—but first a plug: @GyroSpot, which is right next door on scenic Elm Street, is *so frickin good.* If you’re covering #fitn and don’t try it, you’re missing out, man.
— Adam Reilly (@reillyadam) February 11, 2020
The NH primary is like the high school reunion you want to attend.
— Joe Mathieu (@GBHJoe) February 11, 2020
Trump paraphernalia being sold left and right outside of the SNHU arena ahead of President Trump’s rally tonight in Manchester. They’ve got everything from hats and flags to umbrellas and ponchos. Appropriate for today’s dreary weather. #FITN #Election2020 @wgbhnews
— Emily Schario (@emilyschario) February 10, 2020
Good Morning from the campaign trail! #FITN Primary is little less than 24 hours away. Warren is here at Sweet Maple Cafe in Conway, a town in Carroll County #NH
— Saraya Wintersmith (@SWINTERSMITH) February 10, 2020
@ewarren campaign stop in Concord, New Hampshire. For @wgbhnews #iphone #NHprimary2020
— Meredith Nierman (@meredithnierman) February 9, 2020
Looking for a pic of the @BernieSanders guy at last nite's Dem rally in Manchester? Well, we met Oscar Salazar - here he is in his "bernsie"! #NHDems2020
— Jim Braude (@jimbraude) February 9, 2020
greetings from my state of the art remote @wgbhnews sound studio
— Tori Bedford (@Tori_Bedford) February 8, 2020
I take selfies while @jimbraude works.... as life should be #DemDebate @wgbhnews
— 𝖆𝖟𝖎𝖙𝖆 (@shirazita) February 8, 2020
the perspective you've been waiting for: @VerminSupreme on Tik Tok
— Tori Bedford (@Tori_Bedford) February 7, 2020