You’ve probably heard of the Couch to 5k, training programs designed to get you ready for the relatively short footrace from a baseline of, well, the couch. We here on the GBH Drama team aren't runners, so 5 kilometers (just over 3 miles) doesn’t sound at all like our idea of fun. Instead, we suggest to you the Couch to Couch: a six week program designed to get you ready for what we consider to be the biggest deal around this neck of the woods in March (sorry, Boston Marathon enthusiasts). That’s right, in just about two months we’ll celebrate the triumphant return of Sanditon and Call The Midwife and the second Downton Abbey movie premiere. “But wait,” I hear you ask, “there are 10 seasons of Call The Midwife, and Downton has six seasons AND a movie! How am I possibly going to catch up on all that drama in time?!” Don’t fret, hypothetical reader: with the same careful planning, grit, and determination of someone who’s undertaking a road race, just without the blisters and ice baths (at least we hope).
Here’s the deal: we have laid out for you a few options based on what shows you like and your baseline skill at marathoning TV shows. Only want to catch up on one of these shows? Great — just skip down to the program in question. Looking to undertake all three? I salute you; head all the way to the bottom, ya maniac. Just trying to understand what made us do this? Good luck, we’re all slightly concerned about ourselves too. Undertaking one of our Couch2Couch programs? Please send pictures, color commentary, thoughts, fears, or any other reactions via email at or on twitter with #GBHCouch2Couch!
And so, without further ado:
Couch2Couch: Sanditon
Whether you somehow missed this seaside juggernaut the first time, or you’re a Sanditon Superfan who’s seen it all before but still wants to get in the spirit of things ahead of the big day, head over to the training plan for your very own Sanditon Sprint.
Couch2Couch: Call The Midwife
Trying to catch up on all 10 seasons of Call The Midwife in a Midwifery Ultramarathon? Just want some curated highlights? We’ve got you covered. Click here to call up your training plans (actual midwives not included).
Couch2Couch: Downton Abbey
Compared to the madness of Call The Midwife, catching up on all of Downton Abbey is a snap. Check out the training plan for your Downton Dash here!
Couch2Couch: The Triathalon
Not satisfied to just catch up on one show? For the really not faint of heart, we’ve prepared the ultimate training plan, but fair warning: this television marathon might actually be more taxing than a real 5k.