I’ve written before about how much I adore Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, currently re-airing on WGBX 44 Thursdays at 8pm. Like many (all?) fans of the show, my adoration is due in no small part to Essie Davis’ vivacious, joyful, nuanced portrayal of the title character, Phryne Fisher. Davis takes a part that was already pretty darn likeable on paper and makes her sparkle, jagged edges and all. Yes, I will absolutely re-watch the show until the cows come home (not anytime soon; I don’t have a barn and communal grazing is no longer allowed on the Boston Common) but I also love Essie Davis unconditionally, and will watch anything she’s in. If you’re in the same boat, read on for some of my favorite roles from throughout Davis' career:

Girl With A Pearl Earring - 2003
Remember when everyone lost their dang minds about this movie? I do! Watching the trailer sent me right back to middle school, when I was too young to realize how creepy this movie is, not to mention how weird Colin Firth’s wig is. Anyway, Essie Davis plays the artist’s very put-upon wife, and she really went all in on this easy-to-malign character.

The Babadook - 2014
Oh, you didn’t realize Essie Davis played mum Amelia in The Babadook? Me neither, because despite being obsessed with her and thinking she’s absolutely stunning, she’s basically a chameleon, and can pull off a dizzying array of roles and hair colors. This movie is scary as heck and she plays grief, confusion, and fear remarkably well.

Electric Dreams - 2017
Pandemic isolation have you in the mood for some psychedelic media? Yeah, me too. I won’t call myself a Philip K. Dick superfan, but there’s no better time for science fiction than when you’re trapped in your home. Essie Davis stars alongside Bryan Cranston in the episode Human Is, bringing her signature emotional depth and cut glass cheekbones to the role.

The White Princess - 2017
I’m sorry, but if you aren’t into lush period dramas featuring gleeful schemers in gorgeous costumes, what are you doing here? This series is based on the books by historical fiction powerhouse Philippa Gregory. The stories focus on powerful and oft-ignored women in history, and Essie Davis plays a literal queen (dowager queen, but still!). Check mate, pals.

Lambs of God - 2019
I don’t know about you, but a gothic mystery set on an isolated island where three women have created a sustainable community without the scourge of the patriarchy already ticked a whole lot of boxes on MY “let’s watch this” checklist — and that was before I found out that this show starred Essie Davis sporting some seriously cool heterochromia contacts.
There are many more roles from Davis' long career, with credits going back to the early 90s. Also, I feel like I should explain that I purposefully left Essie Davis’ turn on Game Of Thrones off this list because I, a true nerd, was so distraught that she wasn’t brought on board to play a specific character from the books that I never recovered. Anyway, all this to say,
she DOES have the range