The WGBH Drama Club adored Season 1 of Frankie Drake Mysteries – from its clever use of early feminism and civil rights to it’s backdrop of prohibition-era Toronto, this show has a lot to offer. Tricky mysteries and gorgeous era-appropriate costumes, add to the fun – but for us, the complex characters and multifaceted relationships they keep are the true treasure of this show.
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So naturally, the Club was excited to see two fascinating new cast members being introduced for season two: Detective Grayson (Anthony Lemke), a detective who’s name says it all, and Bessie Starkman (Natalie Brown) a mob boss based on a real-life character. Read on to learn more about these two new players in 1920’s Toronto.
Watch Now: Frankie Drake Mysteries, Season 2 is now on Passport.

Detective Grayson
Frankie first meets Grayson in the second episode of Season 2 – Last Dance. Recently hired to manage the Toronto precinct where Mary works, he manages to gum up the works of Frankie’s agency, constantly interfering with her investigations. But Greyson might not be as by-the-book as he seems – as the season plays out, the tables turn, and before long Frankie is investigating him. Played by Anthony Lemke, who Lauren Lee Smith (Frankie Drake) worked with previously on The Listener, we’re excited to see just what makes Grayson tic – and where he and Frankie’s antagonistic relationship goes.

Bessie Starkman
Less gray than Grayson (see what I did there?!) Bessie Starkman (Natalie Brown) is in three scant episodes this season, but is probably the character we are most excited about. Based on a real-world character, Starkman was a Polish-Jewish crime underboss in 1900’s Toronto, and the financial brains of the gang. In this season of Frankie Drake, we see Starkman running illegal sports betting, and an underground casino. Though ruthless, Starkman does agree to work with Frankie on a case – so perhaps this isn’t the last we’ll see of her!
Enjoy Frankie Drake Mysteries Season 2, now on WGBH Passport!