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June 5, 2024 - The Dybbuk, baseball, and the housing crisis

49:59 |

About The Episode

What does it mean to be a restless soul  in-between two worlds? That is the definition of a dybbuk.  With an ongoing  immigration crisis and refugees displaced by war– a new adaptation of the play “The Dybbuk,”  has deep resonance. And who better to wrestle with these themes than the Arlekin Players Theatre, which has a reputation for examining such existential plights.   Their  artistic director–and director of this production, Igor Golyak and one of the lead actors, Andrey Burkovskiy join The Culture Show.

From there Edgar B. Herwick III explains some Bay State and Baseball curiosities.

Finally we look at Boston’s housing crisis. It’s one thing to have a home office. It’s another thing to turn an office into a home. Is the push to retrofit commercial real estate  into residential real estate feasible and fiscally sound? Boston Architectural College president Mahesh Daas joins The Culture Show for that conversation.