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June 17, 2024 - More Than Our Skin and Alan Cumming

41:19 |

About The Episode

In the documentary film “More Than Our Skin,” five women share their stories about what it’s like to live with vitiligo, an autoimmune disease in which the skin loses its pigment cells, resulting in discolored patches throughout the body. As the film details, while the disease can’t kill you, it can kill your spirit as people with vitiligo are more prone to depression, social stigmatization and isolation. Tonia Magras, the producer and director of the film, and Valarie Molyneaux, one of the women featured in this documentary, join The Culture Show to talk about their work.

From there it’s  Alan Cumming. 

He’s an actor, singer, and advocate who has starred on Broadway, on network television and now he’s hosting and producing the  reality TV series streaming on Peacock, “The Traitors.”  However, he is no traitor to his demographic. At age 59 Alan Cumming  is a font of wisdom when it comes to America’s obsession with the fountain of youth—breaking down how abstract and absurd ageism is in his  cabaret show, “Alan Cumming is Not Acting His Age”.  He joins The Culture Show to talk about this and a tote bag epidemic, which he says is perpetuated by NPR pledge drives.