February 20, 2025 - Chelsea Handler, Cory Doctorow, and the Red Bull Heavy Metal contest at Boston City Hall
About The Episode
Comedian, television host, advocate and New York Times bestselling author Chelsea Handler joins The Culture Show to talk about her forthcoming book “I’ll Have What She’s Having.” It’s a collection of hilarious and heartfelt essays that detail what it took for her to become the woman she always wanted to be. It’s in bookstores on February 25th and is available for preorder on her website . On February 26th you can catch Chelsea Handler at Brookline Booksmith for a book signing event .
From there New York Times bestselling author Cory Doctorow joins us to talk about “ Radicalized ,” a collection of four science fiction novellas connected by social, technological, and economic visions of what America could be in the near future. Published in 2019, one of those novellas, “Radicalized,” anticipated how frustrations with the profit-driven health insurance industry could lead to the kind of violence that happened in real life when Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, was assassinated. Cory Doctorow’s latest book is “ Picks and Shovels .”
Finally, snowboarding phenom Maggie Leon joins The Culture Show for an overview of this Saturday’s Red Bull Heavy Metal street snowboarding competition. Located at Boston’s City Hall Plaza, 2:00-5:30, it’s free to the public.