William Powers
William Powers is the author of two critically acclaimed books. His Liberia memoir, *Blue Clay People: Seasons on Africa's Fragile Edge* received a *Publishers Weekly* starred review and *Whispering in the Giant's Ear: A Frontline Chronicle from Bolivia's War on Globalization* has been featured on NPR's *Fresh Air* with Terry Gross and in *Newsweek*. For over a decade Powers has led development aid and conservation initiatives in Latin America, Africa, and Washington DC. His essays on global issues have appeared in the *New York Times*, *Washington Post*, *Slate*, *The Sun*, and the *International Herald Tribune*, and have been syndicated to three hundred newspapers around the world. He has appeared on NPR's *Living on Earth*, *Fresh Air*, *The Leonard Lopate Show*, *West Coast Live*, *Left Jab*, and *World Vision Report*, as well as on local public television stations and *Book TV*.