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William M. Fowler Jr.

Director, MA Historical Society

William M.  Fowler, Jr. is Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus at Northeastern University in Boston, and also the former Director of the Massachusetts Historical Society, President of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and President of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts. He is co-author of America and the Sea: A Maritime History as well as several other books, including Rebels Under Sail: The Navy in the Revolution; Jack Tars and Commodores: The American Navy, 1783-1815; Samuel Adams: Radical Puritan; Empires at War: The French and Indian War and the Struggle for North America; Under Two Flags: The American Navy in the Civil War; and American Crisis: George Washington and the Dangerous Two Years after Yorktown, 1781-1783. His most recent book is Steam Titans: Cunard, Collins, and the Epic Battle for Commerce on the North Atlantic.