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William Berman

Clinical Professor of Law, Suffolk University

**William Berman** is a Clinical Professor of Law. He has taught at Suffolk's Clinical Programs since 2000. He is a graduate of Union College and Boston University School of Law. Professor Berman is the Managing Attorney of Suffolk's Accelerator Practice, the third year capstone experience for the Accelerator Program, a three year course of study that introduces students to the theory, practice, business and technology skills needed to represent average income clients who otherwise are without access to the justice system. The Accelerator Practice provides students a year-long clinical experience in a fee generating law firm embedded within the law school. The Accelerator Program offers students a unique opportunity to prepare for practice in a small or solo firm. Prof. Berman is also the Director of Suffolk’s Housing Discrimination Testing Program, funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in partnership with the Fair Housing Commission of the City of Boston. HDTP's mission is to eliminate housing discrimination through testing, enforcement and education. Professor Berman and his colleagues have trained over 100 students and community members to conduct housing discrimination testing in the Boston area, and have referred numerous cases to local agencies for enforcement. Professor Berman also oversees Suffolk's Fair Housing Fellowship Program and teaches a fair housing seminar.