Tulika Bose, Ph.D.
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin
Tulika Bose, Ph.D., is a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Physics at University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is currently serving as the Deputy U.S. CMS Software & Computing Operations Program Manager. She served a two-year term (2017-2019) as the Physics Co-coordinator for the CMS experiment at CERN, and before that, she served as the CMS Trigger Co-coordinator (2014-2016). Her physics interests on CMS include precision measurements of Standard Model processes and searches for new heavy gauge bosons and top quark partners. She recently served as a member of the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) , a scientific advisory body tasked by DOE and NSF to develop a strategic plan and vision for US particle physics for the next decade and beyond.