Tony Lechuga
LivableStreets Alliance
Tony Lechuga is the Program Manager for the Emerald Network at LivableStreets Alliance, managing all aspects of the program including advocacy, project oversight, and technical assistance. As someone who often uses multiple modes to travel Boston's streets and greenways, Tony tries to recognize the lived experience of spaces from all angles. Previously, Tony worked with the Boston pedestrian advocacy group WalkBoston, while completing a Master of Arts in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. Before that he worked as a public school teacher for five years in his hometown of Denver, Colorado. Teaching middle school social studies taught Tony the value of patience, creativity, and varied perspectives, which he sees as necessary to work with and across diverse groups. [LiveableStreets](https://www.livablestreets.info/8th\_annual\_streettalk\_10\_in\_1?utm\_campaign=giving\_tuesday\_email\_1&utm\_medium=email&utm\_source=livablestreetsalliance "Liveable Streets")