What matters to you.

Tamikia Francis

Community Engagement Manager, Boston Alliance for Community Health

Ms. Francis is the Community Engagement Manager for the Let’s Get Healthy, Boston! (LGHB) a U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Partnerships to Improve Community Health program. She has Caribbean heritage, and has lived or worked on several islands on bilateral international development projects funded by the World Bank, USAID, and the European Union. She moved to Boston over 10 years ago, where she immediately got involved with social justice issues. She is committed to people-centered development and approaches that involve those most affected by a problem working towards a solution. Her lived experiences, coupled with work in multi-sectors, led to her role as the resident engagement strategist, and key architect behind LGHB’s Healthy Community Champions program. Ms. Francis has a strong passion for the outdoors, farming, wholesome food and reverence for traditional and indigenous practices. She earned a Bachelor in Geography from the University of the West Indies in 2003, and a Master in Sustainable International Development from the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in 2010, where she focused on conservation and capacity building in small island developing states. When not working on LGHB, she can be found expanding her cooking repertoire, or visiting as many UNESCO world heritage sites as possible.