Susan Eisenhower
The Eisenhower Group
Susan Eisenhower is the granddaughter of former president Dwight D. Eisenhower and the CEO and Chairman of The Eisenhower Group, Inc., a Washington D.C. based consulting company founded in 1986. For more than 25 years the company has provided strategic counsel on business development, public affairs and communications projects. In addition to her work through EGI, Susan has also had a distinguished career as a policy analyst. She is Chairman Emeritus at the Eisenhower Institute of Gettysburg College, where she served as president twice. She has also been a Fellow at Harvard’s Institute of Politics and a Distinguished Fellow at the Nixon Center, now called the Center for National Interest. Susan has authored hundreds of op-eds for newspapers such as The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times, appeared frequently on national television and radio, and her articles have appeared in such journals as the National Academy of Sciences’ Issues in Science and Technology and the Naval Institutes’ Proceedings. She has written four trade press books, two of which were on regional best seller lists, and she co-authored or co-edited four other books on international security issues.
Susan Eisenhower on "How Ike Led"
Partner:American Ancestors