Ron Bell
Senior Adviser, Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Founder of Dunk the Vote
Ron Bell is a civic engagement and voting rights organizer with a distinguished track record of developing the infrastructure of public participation in community and government. Founder of the nonpartisan nonprofit Dunk the Vote, which since 1992 has registered over 100,000 voters in Massachusetts, Mr. Bell has built a career in bringing an innovative, results-driven approach to citizen self-advocacy, leadership training and education, political campaigns, and justice-focused coalitions.
A sought-after consultant and speaker, he is a former Senior Advisor for Community Affairs for Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, and has served on many campaigns at the state and city-wide level. He has completed fellowships at Harvard’s Kennedy School and the M.I.T. Media Lab, received President Clinton’s Point of Light Award, and serves as an advisor and board member for many organizations focused on educating the leaders of tomorrow. He is also an anchor broadcaster on Boston Black News.
Upward Mobility in Boston: 50 Years After Busing
Partner:Ford Hall Forum