What matters to you.

Paul Wink

associate professor, psychology, Wellesley

Paul Wink received his B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy and M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He holds a Ph.D. in Personality Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley. He is currently Professor of Psychology at Wellesley College, and was a visiting faculty at the University of Michigan. Dr. Wink's research interests are in the area of adult development and aging broadly defined to include psychosocial functioning, and the interface between personality, life course transitions, and socio-historical context. His extensive research on narcissism focuses on the differences between healthy and pathological (overt and covert) narcissism. Wink is currently using these longitudinal data to examine the socio-biographical antecedents, life course trajectories, and social implications of religion and spirituality. Wink is currently writing on the relationship among religiousness, self-actualization, and the fear of death and the implications of adolescent generativity for physical and mental health in late adulthood. He is currently a recipient of a three year grant from the John Templeton Foundation awarded for research on the life-course development and psychosocial implications of religiousness and spirituality. Wink is a member of the Gerontological Society of America and the Society for Personology.