Ogbu Kalu
professor, world christianity, McCormick Seminary
A towering figure in the fields of Global Mission, African Christianity and Global Pentecostalism, Dr. Kalu began a distinguished teaching career at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, in 1974, leading to a number of teaching and lecturing engagements at Harvard University, Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary, South Korea, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, University of Toronto and several other colleges and universities. A prolific writer on a wide range of subjects, Kalu has authored or edited 16 published books including *Power, Poverty and Prayer: The Challenges of Poverty and Pluralism in African Christianity, 1960-1996*, *African Christianity: An African Story, and African Pentecostalism: An Introduction*, already regarded by many as the seminal work of its kind. Dr. Kalu was not only a world-class scholar but also a man of deep Christian faith and conviction. For many years he served as an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church in his home country of Nigeria and held various national leadership positions in the denomination including membership on the General Assembly Board of Faith and Order. As a resident of Chicago, Dr. Kalu was a member of Progressive Community Center, The Peoples Church, where he worshiped regularly and taught adult education classes.