Noah Berger
Administrator, Merrimack Valley Regional
Noah Berger has almost thirty years experience working in the field of public transportation, spanning the public, private and non-profit sectors. He was appointed to serve as the Administrator/CEO of the Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority by its Board in July 2021. Prior to that, he has held leadership positions with the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority, Connecticut Transit, the Greater Hartford Transit District, the Federal Transit Administration, the Boston Foundation, the MBTA Advisory Board, Cambridge Systematics, the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity, as well as Boston’s Parker Shelter, Vermont Congressman Bernie Sanders, and the New York Yankees. He is recognized across the transit industry as an expert in federal transportation policy, funding and requirements, transit planning, community engagement, ferryboat transportation, transit maps, the interface between transit and social justice, transit oriented development, human service transportation coordination, placemaking and public art. He is an exhibited oil painter, and has served on the boards for ARTmorpheus in Boston and the New Art Center in Newton, MA. He is author of By Bus, Bike or Boat: A Rider’s Guide to Public Transit in Greater Burlington and Vermont, and “The Guardian of the Birds” in John Abarno’s The Ethics of Homelessness: Philosophical Perspectives, and has Master’s Degrees in City Planning from M.I.T., and Philosophy from the State University of New York.
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