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Nicholas Kristof

columnist, NY Times, 1990 & 2006 Pulitzer Prize

Nicholas D. Kristof, a columnist for *The New York Times*, won a 2006 Pulitzer Prize for his writing on Darfur, which got the world's attention focused on this heartrending situation. He writes op-ed columns that appear each Wednesday and Saturday. Previously, he was associate managing editor of *The Times*. Kristof graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard in three years, and then won first class honors in his study of law at Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship. Kristof joined *The New York Times* in 1984. After that, he served as a business correspondent based in Los Angeles, and was Bureau Chief in Hong Kong, Beijing and Tokyo. In 2000, he covered the presidential campaign and in particular Governor Bush, and he is the author of the chapter on Mr. Bush in the reference book *The Presidents*. In 1990 Kristof and his wife, Sheryl WuDunn, also a *Times* journalist, won a Pulitzer Prize for their coverage of China's Tiananmen Square democracy movement. They were the first married couple to win a Pulitzer for journalism. Kristof has won other prizes including the George Polk Award and the Overseas Press Club awards.