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Nancy Soderberg

nat. security council, President Bill Clinton

Nancy Soderberg is an American foreign policy strategist who held several senior level positions in the Clinton administration and authored the book *The Superpower Myth: The Use and Misuse of American Might*. Her second book, co-authored with Brian Katulis, *The Prosperity Agenda: What the World Wants from America--and What We Need in Return*, will be published in July 2008. Soderberg was the third-highest-ranking official at the United States National Security Council from 1993-1997 and served as US Representative for Special Political Affairs at the US Mission to the United Nations with rank of Ambassador. She was a key adviser to President Clinton in negotiating the peace process in Northern Ireland. She served as Deputy Director of President Clinton's national security transition in 1992 and as a senior foreign policy adviser to Senator Edward M. Kennedy. She is a graduate of Vanderbilt University and the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University. Soderberg resides in Jacksonville, Florida where she is a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the University of North Florida. She writes and comments regularly in national and international media on foreign policy. As of 2007, Soderberg is serving as a foreign policy adviser to the Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg.