What matters to you.

Nadav Shelef, Ph.D.

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Nadav Shelef is the author of \_Evolving Nationalism: Homeland, Identity, and Religion in Israel, 1925-2005\_ (Cornell University Press, 2010). In this book he traces changes in how Zionism and Israeli nationalism were defined, focusing on questions such as where the “land of Israel” should be; the place of the state within the Zionist project, relationships with diaspora (especially American) Jews, and the place of religion within the state. He shows how these views evolved over time within the three major types of Zionism – Labor, Revisionist, and Religious – as each group responded both to changes in the environment and their competition with each other. Professor Shelef has also published articles in a wide range of journals, including \_International Organization\_, \_Security Studies\_, P\_olitical Science Quarterly\_, \_Middle East Journal, and Israel Studies\_. He received his Ph.D. and M.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, and his B.A. cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania.