Molly Wood
Host and Senior Editor, Marketplace
Molly Wood is the host of Marketplace Tech, a weekday show that helps listeners understand the business behind the technology that's rewiring our lives. In addition, she joins forces with Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal to connect the dots on the economy, tech and culture as co-host of the podcast Make Me Smart with Kai and Molly. Molly has covered technology in print, web and broadcast media. Before joining Marketplace in 2015, she was a tech columnist at The New York Times and an executive editor at CNET. Previously, she launched the CNET podcast "Buzz Out Loud," one of the early successes in podcasting, which fans still celebrate. In the web video space, she started an original tech-focused video series at The New York Times called "Machine Learning," and she also created and hosted the popular web show "Always on with Molly Wood." The ambitious tech series ultimately shot episodes all over the world. A native Montanan, Molly is now based in the surprisingly wildlife-filled Oakland Hills, where she lives with her son, Eli, dog Reggie and many internet-connected devices.