Michael Paul Mason
writer, reporter
Michael Mason is a professional writer based in Tulsa. His works have appeared in several newspapers and magazines, including *Discover*, *The New York Times*, and *The Believer*. Mason has also appeared as a guest on several national media outlets, including the Lehrer Newshour, CBS News, NPR’s Morning Edition and The Diane Rehm Show. Mason’s assignments have taken him into the Iraqi war zone, behind Vatican walls, and into the aftermath of the World Trade Center. Mason’s first book, Head Cases: Stories of Brain Injury and Its Aftermath, is an exploration into the harsh realities endured by brain injury survivors. Since the publication of Head Cases, he has addressed the Congressional Task Force on Brain Injury and has served as president of the Brain Injury Association of Oklahoma. In addition to his writing projects, Mason has produced several feature works that have played on public radio stations across the nation. In an ongoing project with Tulsa author Jeff Martin, Mason produces the podcast “Goodbye Tulsa,” a weekly show that tells the story of Tulsa through the lives of its citizens.