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Martin McLee

chair, HIV/AIDS Comm., Black Ministerial Alliance

Bishop Peter D. Weaver of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church will appoint The Reverend Martin D. McLee J.D. as District Superintendent for the Metro Boston Hope District, effective July 1, 2008. Rev. McLee succeeds The Rev. Dr. Aida Irizarry Fernandez, who has served as District Superintendent for the past eight years, the maximum term that a Superintendent may serve in that role according to the United Methodist Book of Discipline. Aida has brought an incredible spirit to the Conference and the Metro Boston district over the past eight years, and we are grateful for her many years of excellent service in this role, said Bishop Weaver. For the past eight years, Rev. McLee has been serving as pastor of the historic Union United Methodist Church in Boston's South End. Originally from New York City, he is a graduate of Nasson College is Springvale, ME and received a BA with Honors from Hunter College in NY. He has graduate degrees in Education and Theology from Fordham University and Southern Methodist University respectively, and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University. In addition to his work as pastor in local churches in both Boston, MA and Dallas, TX, he has served as Chaplain