Margaret Gibson
Margaret Gibson is the author of seven books of poetry: *Icon and Evidence *(2001); *Earth Elegy, New and Selected Poems* (1997); *The Vigil, A Poem in Four Voices*, a Finalist for the National Book Award in 1993; *Out in the Open* (1989); *Memories of the Future, The Daybooks of Tina Modotti*, co-winner of the Melville Cane Award of the Poetry Society of America in 1986-87; *Long Walks in the Afternoon*, the 1982 Lamont Selection of the Academy of American Poets; and *Signs* (1979). Gibson has been a Visiting Professor at The University of Connecticut since 1993. She has been awarded a National Endowment for the Arts Grant, a Lila Wallace/Reader's Digest Fellowship, and Grants from the Connecticut Commission on the Arts. "Earth Elegy," the title poem of *New and Selected Poems*, won The James Boatwright III Prize for Poetry. "Archaeology" was awarded a Pushcart Prize in 2001. *Autumn Grasses* will be published by LSU Press in 2003. Gibson lives in Preston, Connecticut.