Marcius Extavour
Marcius Extavour, director of technical operations at NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, is a leader working at the intersection of science, technology, policy, and public engagement. His primary interests are the social, policy, and technology approaches to clean and sustainable energy systems, as well as the quantum technologies of the future.He has held a variety of leadership and team-oriented roles within government, academia, and industry, including at the US Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources, where he held the OSA/SPIE/AAAS Congressional Science & Technology Policy Fellowship, and more recently at the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto, where he served as director of government and industry partnerships. Marcius holds a PhD and MSc in quantum optics and atomic physics and a BASc in engineering science from the University of Toronto. Outside of the office and the lab, Marcius loves teaching and is active in engaging young and early-career scientists interested in careers outside of academia.