What matters to you.

Marcia Chatelain

Georgetown University

**Marcia Chatelain** is a Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor of history and African American studies at Georgetown University. The author of South Side Girls: Growing Up in the Great Migration (2015), Chatelain is a scholar of African American life and culture. In 2014 she organized her fellow scholars in a social-media response to the crisis in Ferguson, Missouri, entitled #FergusonSyllabus. #FergusonSyllabus has led to similar online initiatives and has shaped curricular projects in K–12 and university settings. A frequent public speaker and consultant to educational institutions, Chatelain delivers lectures and workshops on inclusive teaching, social movements, and food justice. She has contributed to TheAtlantic.com, Time.com, Ms. Magazine, and the Chronicle of Higher Education, which also named her a "Top Influencer in Higher Education" in 2016. She has appeared on local and national television outlets including C-Span, MSNBC, CNN, BBC America, and PBS. She appeared in the 2019, Stanley Nelson documentary, “ Boss: The Black Experience in Business.” She has hosted "Office Hours: A Podcast," in which she talks to students about the issues most important to them. In 2017 she joined the team of "Undisclosed," a podcast featuring a 16-episode arc about the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore in 2015. She currently co-hosts the Slate podcast, “ The Waves,” a bi-weekly show that covers feminism, gender, and popular culture. She has won several teaching awards at Georgetown, where she also has served on its Working Group on Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation. During the 2017–2018 academic year she was on leave as a National Endowment for the Humanities Faculty Fellow. Most recently, she has been named a Andrew Carnegie Fellow. She has also been awarded an Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellow at the New America Foundation. Her forthcoming book Franchise: The Golden Arches in Black America will be published by Liveright, an imprint of W.W. Norton in January 2020. She was named an Andrew Carnegie Fellow in 2019.