Marc Landy
professor, political science, Boston College
Marc Landy has a BA from Oberlin College and a PhD in government from Harvard University. His literary works include: *Presidential Greatness (Kansas U. Press, 2000)*,*Environmental Protection Agency From Nixon to Clinton: Asking the Wrong Questions*, *Seeking the Center:Politics and Policymaking at the New Century (2001)* and T*he New Politics of Public Policy*, and *American Government: Balancing Liberty and Democracy (co-authored with Sid Milkis)*. In addition to teaching undergraduates and graduate students, he regularly teaches public officials from Ireland and Northern Ireland about American politics through a series of executive programs run by the Irish Institute. His recent articles include: *The Bush Presidency after 9/11: Shifting the Kaleidoscope in the inaugural issue of the E Journal Forum, Local Government and Environmental Policy, in Martha Derthick ed., Dilemmas of Scale in American Federal Democracy (Cambridge U. Press 1999)* and T*he Politics of Risk Reform, co-authored with Kyle Dell, Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum, Fall 1999*.