Manouchehr Mottaki
foreign minister, Iran
Manouchehr Mottaki was born in Bandar Gaz in the northern province of Golestan, in 1953. He got his BA from India's University of Bangalore in 1976 in the field of social sciences and received his MA from Tehran University in 1996 in the field of international relations. Mottaki has a good command of English as well as Urdu and Turkish languages. He already served as member of parliament in the first Majlis, head of seventh political bureau of Foreign Ministry (1984), Iran's ambassador to Turkey (1985), Foreign Ministry's secretary general for West European affairs (1989), deputy foreign minister for international affairs (1989) and deputy foreign minister for legal, consular and parliamentary affairs (1992). He has also been Iran's ambassador to Japan (1994), advisor to foreign minister (1999), deputy head of Culture and Islamic Communications Organization (2001) and Head of foreign relations committee of 7th Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission.