Lawrence Rosenwald
professor, English, Wellesley
Lawrence Rosenwald, Professor of English at Wellesley College, joined the Wellesley faculty in 1980. From 1993 to 1997 he was the Whitehead Associate Professorship in Critical Thought. In 1997, he became the Anne Pierce Rogers Professor of American Literature. Before his arrival, he had been a Harper Fellow at the University of Chicago (1978-80), and an Adjunct Lecturer at Lehman College (1973-77). He received his B.A. (1970), M.A. (1971) and Ph.D. (1979) from Columbia University. Professor Rosenwald's chief intellectual interests include American literature, especially the American literary representation of language and dialect contact; the theory and practice of translation; the relations between words and music; early music theater; and pacifism and nonviolence. *Scripture and Translation*, his translation of Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig's Die Schrift und ihre Verdeutschung, was published by Indiana University Press in 1994; his *Emerson and the Art of the Diary* was published by Oxford University Press in 1988. Among his more recent publications are "On Not Reading in Translation", in *Antioch Review*; "Orwell, Pacifism, Pacifists" in *Thomas Cushman and John Rodden ed*., *George Orwell Into the 21st Century*, published by Paradigm Press; and "American Anglophone Literature and Multilingual America," in *Werner Sollors ed.*, *Multilingual America*, published by New York University Press. Forthcoming is a translation of *Lamed Shapiros Nuyorkish*; ongoing projects include a book on American literature and multilingual America, and an essay on pacifism.
Georgics of Virgil: Art and Practice of Literary Translation
Partner:Wellesley College