Kimerly Rorschach
director, Nasher Museum, Duke U
She was Director of the University of Chicago's David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art from 1994-2004 and before that held curatorial positions at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Rosenbach Museum & Library in Philadelphia. She is an expert on European art of the 18th century and has published many articles and exhibition catalogues. Her interests include 17th and 18th century art, particularly in England; museum history and theory; patronage and collecting; the art market; art law; and legal, economic, and political issues in museums and the history of art. She has organized 15 exhibitions ranging from 18th-century European art to international contemporary art. She is a member and former trustee of the Association of Art Museum Directors, which represents 200 art museums in the U. S., Canada, and Mexico, and she is a member and former chair of the Association's Government Affairs Committee.