Joann Lindenmayer
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Joann Lindenmayer is an Associate Professor of Public Health in the Department of Environmental and Population Health at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. She serves as Director of the DVM-MPH Track of the combined MPH Program. Lindernmayer has been a Principal or co-Principal Investigator for several veterinary ventures including USAID’s RESPOND project, the largest award in the history of Tufts University. Lindenmayer’s experience ranges from monitoring the health of Nigerian sheep, conducting studies using dogs as sentinels for Lyme disease, and working with the Vermont Department of Health and the CDC. She was the founding director of Brown University’s MPH program, a member of the Veterinary School’s Board of Overseers, and is now a member of the Tufts Global Health Initiative. The canine members of her family are: Mamba, a border collie/pit bull; Cole, a black poodle; Lily, a basset hound/beagle; and Mugsy, a mixed breed who resembles a miniature Benji. She also has two cats, Zipper and Orange, who are arch enemies.