Jens Meierhenrich
senior lecturer, London School of Economics and Political Science
Prior to joining the London School of Economics, Jens Meierhenrich taught at Harvard University. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including *The Rationality of Genocide, The Structure of Genocide*, and *The Culture of Genocide* (all forthcoming from Princeton University Press) as well as *Genocide: A Very Short Introduction and Genocide: A Reader* (both forthcoming from Oxford University Press). He just completed his book *Lawfare* (under review) and also recently authored *The Legacies of Law* (Cambridge University Press), which won the American Political Science Association’s 2009 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award for the “best book published in the United States during the previous year in politics, government, or international affairs.” A Rhodes Scholar, he recently served in Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and previously worked with Luis Moreno Ocampo, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.