Jeff Ubois
Jeff Ubois is currently exploring new approaches to personal archiving for Fujitsu Labs of America in Sunnyvale, California, and to video archiving for Intelligent Television and Thirteen/WNET in New York. Prior to these associations, Jeff was a staff research associate at the School of Information Management and Systems at the University of California, Berkeley, where he investigated barriers to accessing television archives. For the Internet Archive, Jeff has worked on managing orphan works, maintaining archival integrity, and managing the collection and retention of digital library usage data. Jeff has worked as a consultant to the Internet Archive, the Sunlight Foundation, OCLC, Cisco Systems, and the Economist Intelligence Unit. He has been published in *First Monday*, *D-Lib*, *Release 1.0*, *Computerworld*, *Information Week*, *Messaging News*, *CFO*, and the publications of Ferris Research, a San Francisco-based consultancy specializing in collaboration software.
Economics of Open Content: Cooperation Across Institutions and Industries
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