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Jean McGuire

executive director, METCO; former director, MA DPH HIV/AIDS Bureau

Jean McGuire has been executive director of the Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity, Inc., (METCO) since 1973. As head of METCO, the largest and oldest not-for-profit desegregation/integration program in America, McGuire has become one of the most significant and outspoken leaders of the movement for quality education for people of color in metropolitan Boston and nationally. An activist for equal education and quality teachers, McGuire was a student at Girls Latin School and a Boston Public Schools teacher. Dr. McGuire attended Howard University and holds a B.S. from Boston State College, an M.A. in Education from Tufts University, and an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Salem State College. In 1981 Dr. McGuire became the second African American elected to serve on the Boston School Committee.