Jean-Francois Abramatic
chairman, W3C
Jean-Francois Abramatic is the chairman of W3C, the World Wide Web Consortium. Formerly Associate Director of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (1997-1998) and Director of Development and Industrial Relations at INRIA (1992-1999), he was responsible for establishing the European branch of W3C in partnership with MIT LCS in 1995. He was the general chairman of the Fifth International World Wide Web Conference that was held in Paris in May 1996. Jean-Francois was asked by the French government to prepare a report entitled "Le Developpement Technique de l'Internet". The report was published in June 1999. His areas of expertise include networking, image processing and graphics. Jean-Francois received his Master's degree from Ecole des Mines in Nancy and his PhD from the University of Paris VI. He was selected for the ICANN Board by the Protocol Supporting Organization. He served on the ICANN Board from October 1999 until September 2000.