Jay Harris
publisher, Mother Jones
In addition to *Mother Jones* magazine Jay Harris is also chief executive officer of *Mother Jones'* non-profit parent, the Foundation for National Progress. During his tenure, the organization has built on its tradition of groundbreaking public interest reporting while growing circulation to unprecedented levels. Believing that *Mother Jones'* investigative content and its 28-year-old brand have importance and audience potential beyond print media, Jay has overseen the launch and development of MotherJones.com. Other media projects are pending. Jay is a frequent radio and television guest, appearing on "Talk of the Nation", C-Span and many other shows, and has been a featured speaker at conferences of the Social Venture Network, Greenfest, Bioneers and Businesses for Social Responsibility. He has taught magazine management at the University of California Graduate School of Journalism. His essay on the state of the news business "What's Missing from Your News?" was published in The Business of Journalism (New Press, 2000). Jay is vice chair of the Independent Press Association and on the steering committee of the Magazine Publishers of America Independent Magazine Advisory Group (IMAG). He recently joined the board of advisors of Free Speech TV.