Jan Pokorny
Associate Professor
Associate Professor Jan Pokorný works in the field of environmental protection and soil and atmospheric sciences. His main scientific interest lies in evaluating solar energy and evapotranspiration in connection with plant ecophysiology, wetlands management, heat island research, and climate change. He studies the irreplaceable and fundamental role of plants in the distribution of solar energy. Photosynthesis transforms only a minimum amount of sunshine. The evaporation in general, and evaporation of water by plants (evapotranspiration) consumes most of the solar energy arriving on land. Jan Pokorný was one of the founders of ENKI o.p.s, which is the bearer of research and development activities of the Science and Technology Park - Třeboň Innovation Center in the Czech Republic. The company combines technological and scientific approaches to land restoration, post-mining landscape restoration projects, renewable resources, and links between agricultural and pond farming and solves applied and basic research projects, such as MIT (Prosperity) and EU FP6 (East Africa) projects. Mr. Pokorny and his team streamline the evapotranspiration research for the upcoming CO14 Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in Geneva (November 2022). An IPCC report cited the research paper he co-authored on Trees, forests, and water: Cool insights for a hot world. He is a published author of 200 scientific articles and reviews.