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James Kloppenberg

professor, American history, Harvard University

James Kloppenberg is Charles Warren Professor of American History at Harvard University, specializing in American and European intellectual history. He received his AB from Dartmouth (1973) and his MA (1976) and PhD (1980) from Stanford. His current research interests include the theory and practice of democracy in Europe and America from Pericles to Lincoln; American political thought from Roger Williams to Barack Obama; the philosophy of pragmatism in American culture; and the practice of pragmatic hermeneutics in historical writing. His most recent book is *Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition,* coming out in October 2010 from Princeton University Press. Other books include *The Virtues of Liberalism* (Oxford University Press, 1998); *A Companion to American Thought* (Blackwell, 1995), co-edited with Richard Wightman Fox; and *Uncertain Victory: Social Democracy and Progessivism in European and American Thought, 1870-1920* (Oxford University Press, 1986).