Jack Neuhauser
academic vice president, Boston College
Jack Neuhauser has served as an educational consultant for several colleges and universities, and has been active in professional and regional accrediting associations for business schools in the United States. Currently, he is a director of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business and Saucony, Inc., and a trustee of several mutual funds at The Colonial Group and Liberty Financial Services Co. A graduate of Manhattan College with a degree in physics, he holds a master's degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in operations research/statistics, as well as a doctorate from RPI in operations research/statistics and mathematics. Among Neuhauser's accomplishments during his tenure as CSOM dean has been the establishment of the Retirement Research Center at Boston College, with a five-year, $5.2 million grant from the Social Security Administration. He is also credited with helping to establish the Chief Executives' Club of Boston, recently named the number one speaking club for business executives in the United States. During his time as dean, the University also sponsored the 1994 "Conference on Financial Markets and The Economy," featuring Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, and the 1996 "Conference on Prospects for a Global Economy," which featured Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and Labor Secretary Robert Reich. He has also overseen BC's Center for Work and Family, the Center for Corporate Community Relations, and the Small Business Development Center.